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ADDRESS:Shanghai Exhibition Center, No.1 West Hall, No.1000, Middle Yan'an Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai 上海市静安区延安中路1000号上海展览中心西一馆
2019年3月30日至4月2日,时堂Showroom Shanghai 2019秋冬服装服饰展会,将于上海展览中心西一馆开展。全新一届的时堂,将迎来5周年的庆典,较之上一届,展场面积翻倍扩容至7146平米。
配饰比重的扩大也是此次时堂的亮点,占全部参展品牌的33%。其中,除了为时堂原本的实力版块包袋,开设了专区外,全新开设的时尚首饰专区,一举增加到了21个品牌。而诸如像是国际袜子品牌Happy Socks,以及国内旅行方式独立设计品牌ITO的参与,也丰富了时堂参展品牌的品类。
从风格上而言,这次时堂明显的改变是运动风格的大幅度提高。UOOYAA品牌的运动线将在时堂亮相。不少品牌身上的运动、街头元素显著。值得一提的是,时尚感强烈的专业运动品牌Particle Fever(粒子狂热),也加入了时堂的阵容,其线上、线下店铺与买手店的业绩都不容小觑。
In West-1 Hall of Shanghai Exhibition Center, Showroom Shanghai will stage its 2019 Autumn & Winter Show from March 30 to April 2, 2019. Showroom Shanghai will be celebrating its 5th anniversary on this 7,146m2 of exhibition space, doubling its previous area.
Showroom Shanghai picks out 154 premium brands from over 400 applicant brands. With doubled exhibition space, the number of brands grows just 37% over the previous year. This is because many brands are expanding their presence at the event. 36% of all the returning brands have their exhibition space at least 30% larger than the previous year.
Alongside living by its all-time high quality standards, Showroom Shanghai always sees that every exhibition shall include a minimum of 30% new participant brands, to lend freshness to the show. With a much greater exhibition area, Showroom Shanghai gets over the dilemma of including new brands and insufficient space. Close to half (47%) of the 154 participant brands are newcomers, including a few established domestic and foreign brands as well as new brands with strong teams, background and performance.
Another highlight of the event is the importance attached to accessories, accounting for 33% of all participant brands. Apart from the dedicated zone for bags, an existing powerhouse of the event, Showroom Shanghai will also feature a zone for jewelries, with a total of 21 new fashion jewelry brands. Adding to the diversity of showcasing categories is an assortment of other accessory brands, such as Happy Socks, an international hosiery brand, and ITO, a domestic independent design brand of travel-style.
In terms of style, a notable change is that the sportswear gets way more manifest this time. The sports line of UOOYAA will be unveiled at this event. Lots of brands feature sports and street wear elements. Here’s another thing worth noting. Particle Fever, a professional sports brand with a strong fashion touch, has joined us at Showroom Shanghai. What PF has achieved with its on-line and off-line stores and boutiques is something you will find impressing.
A notable feature of this year’s Showroom Shanghai is the gigantic commercial volume of the participant brands. For the inaugural exhibition, the aggregate annual turnover of all the participant brands was RMB 44 million. While for the upcoming season, according to incomplete statistics, this figure has grown by 50 times to 2.2 billion. Of all the participant brands, 25% have at least one independent store and enjoy a sizable commercial base. This suggests that the last five years have been a period of steady growth for the designer brands, and that an increasing number of Showroom Shanghai newcomers have expectations beyond just “designer brands”. More importantly, they are working their way towards more commercially valuable design brands. In the same way, Showroom Shanghai has been transformed from a “designer brand” exhibition into a centralized display platform for “design brands”.