Saint Moi 拥有由多位年轻富有激情的学院派设计师组成的研发设计团体,她们毕业于法国IFA,意大利Istituto Marangoni,东华大学等,在创始人兼首席设计师的带领下,多团队运作。Saint Moi用时装来展示当今女性因智慧而具有独特的内在灵魂——她们温婉细腻,又独立干练,她们知书达理却不循规蹈矩。Saint Moi用考究的剪裁,细腻的配色,柔软触感的优质面料,使时装最重要的三因素巧妙平衡地结合。为当代女性创作出可以在任何场合穿梭自如的衣服,为她们增添光芒的羽翼。

Saint Moi has young designers with passionate of research and development team composed of design and development team. They graduated from IFA in France, Istituto Marangoni in Italy, Donghua University, and so on. Under the leadership of founder and chief designer, multi team operation. People’s wearing not only show exterior, but express your soul. Saint Moi is showing Portrayal iconic of modern lady by fashion design - which is capable and exquisite in one. Saint Moi made a balance is achieved in fashion design among the tailored, soothing but unique color combination and quality fabric with soft touch, to make lady feel comfortable, self-confident and modern in their daily life.