MMAGPY 品牌创立于2016年,始于世间闪亮的美好,忠于精彩地呈现。设计富有奇妙摩登的风格,灵巧地让时髦与复古碰撞。它是一只坚信珠宝既能耀眼夺目也能精彩纷呈(Marvelous)的喜鹊(Magpie)。它将闪闪奉献给珠宝,再将此中精彩赋予你。用MMAGPY 珠宝献礼你的精彩。

MMAGPY pronounced the same as the auspicious bird Magpie with an extra M.  The additional M stands for Marvelous, a word the brand holds dearly since it’s funding in 2016.  MMAGPY aspires to create pieces from the spark and curious elements of the world, and accompany its beholders as they discover each Marvelous moment in their lives.