FUN AFFAIR 女装设计师朱茜Cece在伦敦创立的服装品牌,衷情于在单纯与繁复的强烈对比之中,使东方的美学和西方的甜美浪漫热烈的融合。其服饰系列以“浑身散发女人味魅力的独立自信女性”作为设计灵感,流露着浪漫唯美却又独立自我的气息。设计师擅于使用清新、解构重组的手法处理所运用的面料和配饰,精心制作每一件作品:织花刺绣的半裙、连衣裙、阔腿裤和时髦的外套,无不精心体现着这一新颖的品牌美学理念。正如品牌所秉持的,它的产品系列是 “一个由极致精巧元素和大胆创新精神碰撞出的绚烂世界”。

FUN AFFAIR, the Fashion Design Studio in London, 2015, launches SS/AW collections annually.FUN AFFAIR is a modern womenswear clothing label based in London. Drawing ona rich culture of design from China. By integrating the abstraction and the exotica, minimalism and subversion, Fun Affair strives to reinterpreted for a contemporary audience. Each garment is made with high quality, intricate detailing and uniquely designed fabrics to present a timeless expression of modern femininity. As the brand describes itself ‘a beautiful world of the delicate mixed with the bold’.