Sounder Wang是由首饰设计师王淞在2018年在伦敦成立的独立原创品牌,现工作室设立于中国上海。Sounder Wang希望以生活观察者的角度,透过设计产生对首饰制作的形式、材质与过程的思考,发现个人与群体,个人与所处环境之间的细腻关系,从而让作品获得新生,让佩戴者产生不同的新体验。

Sounder Wang is a Jewellery brand with a difference, named by Wallpaper as a label to watch. The brand was created in 2018 by Birmingham School of Jewellery designer Song Wang, who believes that jewellery acquires new life and meaning through human actions and interactions such as wearing, moving, touching and playing. The origins of Sounder Wang jewellery are strongly linked to the connection between human activity and social issues. Her work therefore aims at representing the idea of transformation, flexibility and change; resulting, in bold, memorable and multifunctional pieces.