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ADDRESS:F2, No.190, Hubin Rd., Shanghai 上海市黄浦区湖滨路190号2楼
2014年10月19日至23日,“时堂 Showroom Shanghai”将在上海时尚地标新天地湖滨道购物中心举办第二届设计师品牌2015春夏系列的展示活动。整个活动为期5天,占地面积达3000平方米,吸引了超过70个国内外品牌,其中包括女装、男装和配饰。“时堂 Showroom Shanghai”作为中国第一家专业showroom,看重设计师品牌原创性、独特设计与市场可接受度的平衡性、品牌的商业可持续性等指标,在设计风格上的包容度较之第一届会更大。随着“时堂 Showroom Shanghai”规模和领域的扩大,一方面仍会坚持推广更多的中国独立设计师品牌,同时也会把更多的国际品牌带入中国市场。这次,Y’s Yohji Yamamoto品牌将第一次在中国市场公开面对买手和经销商。
除了Y’s的震撼登场外,设计师上官喆将在“时堂 Showroom Shanghai”首次展示其女装品牌Ze Studios;工艺难度与做工可与一线大牌比肩的本土男装品牌Skin Art Series,以及全手工制作的骷髅形包包品牌Muse Handmade都将通过这一平台首次向市场推出。由此可见,“时堂 Showroom Shanghai”不仅是个吸引大牌的平台,更是一个向本土市场,乃至全球市场推介高水准新人、新品牌的平台。这次活动突破了showroom仅仅联系设计师、品牌与买手、经销商、媒体的固定模式,特别增加了“厨房”版块,引入了时装产业链的各个环节,来为设计师做服务。“时堂”取谐音“食堂”,食客们看菜下单,但做菜的“厨房”却不为世人看到。这次“时堂”,吸引了提供3D配饰打印服务、时装生产解决方案供应商等周边服务面对设计师,更方便整个产业提升质量以及创新能力。尤其值得一提的是由“例外”品牌和方所的创始人毛继鸿与香港艺术家又一山人合作的品牌YMOYNOT也加入了“厨房”版块,将以开放的心态与各个有潜力的设计师开启未来的合作。
由此,第二届的“时堂 Showroom Shanghai”慢慢呈现出了其核心价值——通过提供覆盖品牌化营运各领域的服务,帮助独立设计师建立成功的时尚品牌,进而使之成为中国时装产业的创新引擎。
Dedicated for 2015 spring and summer collections, the 2nd session of Showroom Shanghai was held on Oct.19-23, 2014. Compared with the 1st session (2014 autumn and winter collection show), which was held in April of the same year, the 2nd session featured a greater number of participants, higher sales and more international involvement.
Different from the 1st session, which focused domestic brands, the 2nd session saw a greater number of foreign brands. More than 30 global brands, including Y’s Yohji Yamamoto, Made in Heaven, PPQ, and Ground Zero, and 4 international Showrooms participated in it. Yohji Yamamoto, especially, opened its first showroom outside of Paris and Tokyo in the past 40 years. More than a dozen famous buyers from the US and Japan showed up at the event, including American Rag, H Lorenzo and Via Bus Stop, and 7 of them placed orders with Chinese designers.
According to conservative statistics, the 2nd session of Showroom Shanghai witnessed a total order of RMB77-90 million, up by 175-221% over the order value RMB28 million witnessed at the 1st session. Y’s Yohji Yamamoto, BANXIAOXUE, KKtP, Simon Gao, Vmajor, Annakiki, Fake Natoo and Muse Handmade, among others, all did very well at the showroom.