SEFHYIR 由设计师贺柳于2012年创立,是一个真正属于这个时代的摩登优雅时髦品牌。其每一件作品都在倾诉着美丽动人的故事,融汇了东西方文化艺术的精髓,用更摩登的艺术手法、通过奢华低调的材质,孕育出充满能量和无限热情的典藏之作。让每位女性体会那种自由感性而不失个人魅力的理想形象。
Compared with warm wool, SEFHYIR scarfs are much softer. The founder and creativity director He Liu is a globe-trotting artist, life experience in different cultures contributes to her extraordinary creativity. SEFHYIR series have smooth and comfortable texture; digital printing technique gives tension to the images, while prints of classic colors turn SEFHYIR into a modern fashion brand that fits into our time.