FAKE NATOO 于2008年在上海创立。其创始人及设计师是张娜,她以“NA”作品牌命名,代表“设计师本人”,“TOO”则代表各种设计的可能性,代表了品牌所期望去到的多元化。在秉持独立坚强与女性之美间,从来都有自己的平衡,在这里,坚强并非强势,它更是一种对生活有厚度与韧劲的热爱,宽阔而温暖,懂得自己,懂得生活,这是张娜所想要通过时装设计,带给人们的真正的东西。每一季都是一个故事,这故事由设计师内心世界的呈现而定。她愿行走这美丽世界,看遍温柔人间,而后将发自内里的爱以时装之形式呈现在人们眼前,让所有类属FAKE NATOO的女性感受到她:也予人以温暖,也慰之不孤单。
FAKE NATOO was founded in 2008 and soon caught certain attention among the Fashion industry. In few years time, Zhang Na has already become a successful influential independent designer.FAKE NATOO women are always independent and strong. Instead of being aggressive but in a smart and compassionate way with her broad creativity and warm love. She knows how to understand herself and the relationships between the world and others. She also believes in the wisdom of the nature and brimming with warmth.