RADDISSHMe 代表轻奢华的集合、极致完美的化身,同时也代表着冲突与融合。每个穿R-Me的女人都是内心独具主张又时尚优雅的都市女郎,让人不禁去探寻她更多面的魅力。而更多元化的设计也为 R-Me 注入了令人惊喜的时尚动力,创造出独树一格的精品,以期将其打造为最受重视的全球时尚品牌。
R-Me is an original designer brand founded by Austrian-British designer Ajoy Sahu in Europe, and it made its debut on Chinese market in 2013. Spiritually, R-Me shoes blend soft beauty and assertiveness, tradition and modern touch, rigor and change, among other design elements. It draws its inspiration from mysterious and powerful poppy to express the inner strength hidden in modern female.