Black Spoon
Black Spoon是由毕业于英国中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院女装设计系的白莫媞创立的独立设计师品牌。设计师擅长把古典元素与超现实主义进行融合拼贴,运用基于现实而超越现实的无意识不规则轮廓与古典艺术进行重新排列组合。希望通过Black Spoon这个幽默怪诞的名字可以描绘出一种浪漫,古典,神秘女孩的形象。
Black Spoon’s designer, Moti BAI longs for demonstrating her own individuality by combining the classic and the surrealism. Just like the black humor conveyed by the brand name Black Spoon, Moti BAI’s clothes design fully reveals the spirit of the brand: cool in the gloomy and laughers in desperation.