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ADDRESS:F5, F6 THEHOUSE, Xintiandi 上海市黄浦区新天地5楼,6楼
2016年4月11日至15日, 时堂Showroom Shanghai 2016秋冬时装展依然会在与上海时周秀场一箭之遥的新里新天地正式对外开放。
2014年4月,时堂Showroom Shanghai横空出世,成为国内链接设计师、品牌与全国买手店的桥梁。短短两年来,随着上海的showroom呈几何数级爆发,但“时堂”依靠其卓越的表现,站稳上海showroom的第一品牌宝座。被三位创始人重新定义,从单纯设计师、品牌与零售终端的桥梁功能,过渡到了中国时装产业消费升级的助推器,呼应了李克强总理在政府工作报告中所提及的 “个性时尚”,“线上线下互动”,以及“推动实体商业创新转型”。
因此,今年“时堂”最重要的发展在于其衍生企业的创立。时庄Stron作为时堂第一个面世的子企业,旨在品牌的各个阶段提供痛点解决方案。最基础的服务便是品牌的分销代理。从2015年春夏季开始“时堂”便负担起了Y’s Yohji Yamamoto的中国区分销代理业务,如今这一阵营已扩散到了多个品牌,其中包括颇受市场关注的Ms MIN,冉冉上升的Black Spoon,以及即将首次亮相于”时堂”展会的两匹黑马:设计师品牌A Tentative Atelier和设计品牌“里白”。此外,汇集Hermes经验与资金,与本土手工艺传统的“上下Shangxia”品牌也交由时庄来执行其全国分销代理。
而为了给“时堂”的客户们提供电子商务解决方案,即将在“时堂”展会期间正式上线网络销售平台2manyshop.com。这一全新的电子商务模式,结合le “时堂”丰厚的买手店与品牌资源,以及来自net-a-porter的中国技术和运营团队的国际经验。许多高素质的店铺集合了国际国内许多优秀的品牌,却囿于经营地。2manyshop帮助优质的店铺和精选品牌,将他们的好货搬到网上,打破时间地域规制,面对全国各地的消费者。
From October 15th to 19th 2015, Showroom Shanghai 2016 Spring/Summer collections, the 4th session of Showroom Shanghai will open to the public at the fifth and sixth floor of THEHOUSE, Xintiandi.
The exhibiting brands are still the biggest highlights of this show. In addition to our loyal client Y’s Yohji Yamamoto, a number of locally renowned brands formed a powerful cohort, representing the elite class of Chinese designers. To name but a few, Fake Natoo, Neither Nor, Vmajor, Simon Gao, Injury, Matchbox, Black Spoon, Muse Handmade, rfactory… Among the long list of exhibiting brands, Number (N)ine, forced into closure as early as the autumn of 2009, announces its whirlwind return by reproducing its acclaimed collections.
We have always been devoted to building Showroom Shanghai into an international brand. Driven by this vision, we try our best to act as a full industry platform for designers from home and abroad and never cease our steps in the process of expanding and enriching. We set up the upstream to downstream arrangement in efforts to shape the chains of fashion industry. By joining hands with senior professionals and producers, a one-stop service platform was constructed to provide manufacturing and channels. Liberated from multifarious tasks, designers can exclusively concentrate on designing and brand image. Showroom Shanghai has also cooperated with an experienced e-commerce team to build a nation-wide online sales platform.
This is the fourth session of Showroom Shanghai. By deepening collaboration with international brands, international showrooms and agencies, Showroom Shanghai has become China’s top release and order-placing platform for independent domestic designers.