Designer Julio Ng uses J.E.W.D as a median to express his emotion and life philosophy. He seeks to explore the inner beauty of every strong and independent woman, contrasting ‘masculine’ as a leader and ‘feminine’ as a mother in one single human form. Collections are often seen graceful and chic with a touch of dark and futuristic twist.
J.E.W.D的首席设计师Julio Ng将华丽和摇滚混合,制造出独特的风格。品牌的第一系列PROLOGUE主要是由黑、白、平面条子为主要原素。这系列不单是只有衣服, 还用了平面艺术和影像去表达平衡时空的精髓。这些影像和艺术作品令创意团队的构思能够更清淅的在大家面前呈现。