子川 “无一物中无尽藏”,“子川”生于无。品牌主理谭阿丽在东方禅文化中挖掘回归自我内心之路,探求服装的本源。她的设计张弛有度,留有空白。谭阿丽崇尚简洁的立体剪裁,领、肩、袖甚至下摆,在她这里都可以简化成一条下垂的流畅曲线。流畅,是她使用最多的词。自然为美,源于自然。不追求第一眼的惊艳,还原本真、朴实和自我,用时间封存下绵久的回味。
Inspired by the Zen philosophy of “There can be endless possibilities in the emptiness”, Tan Ali, the brand director of ZII brand digs into the Zen culture to find the way back to our inner selves and to the basics of garments. Her design is well structured with spaces that are deliberately left blank. She believes in the simplest three-dimensional tailoring, with one single smooth streamline for most parts, such as the collar, the shoulder, the sleeves or even the hem at the bottom. Streamline is the most frequently used word by her. She considers nature to be the most beautiful thing and all her works originate from nature. Her designs are not impressive at the first glance, but the sheer, rustic and personalized charm is definitely worth pondering over time.