POSTED ON : Jul 01, 2024



7月5日-7月8日,时堂Showroom Shanghai 2024 WINTER+冬展将如期举办。






Showroom Shanghai 2024 WINTER+. When the rain is over, find the new season .

Showroom Shanghai 2024 WINTER+  will be held as scheduled from July 5 to July 8.

We temporarily leave the exhibition center this time and move to 1F, Bridge 8 ·Binjiang Park,GEMDALE VISEEN,  NO.603, Dapu Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai.

With a condensed and fine small season, we will bring everyone a slightly different experience.

Small but complete. Jewelry, bags, shoes, clothes, showrooms are all included. 22 brands have diverse styles.

POSTED ON : Jan 04, 2024



2024年1月9日-12日,时堂Showroom Shanghai 24 SUMMER+ 将如约在普陀区叶家宅路100号创享塔2号楼2楼开展。



Showroom Shanghai 24 SUMMER+,the treasure season.

Showroom Shanghai 24 SUMMER+ will be held on the 2nd floor of Building 2, THE X TOWER, 100 Yejiazhai Road, Putuo District, from January 9 to 12, 2024. 

As a supplementary tradeshow, the Showroom Shanghai 24 SUMMER+  is not large, and 18 brands are selected, half of which are exhibiting for the first time. Big brands have finished the summer tradeshow in December last year, and the brands that came out to participate in this time have the blessing of a strong supply chain in addition to their distinctive product styles. The number of buyers who order in this season will not be particularly large, and the competition in the same region will not be very fierce. Therefore, this season can be called the treasure season.

POSTED ON : Sep 15, 2023


10月9日-12日,时堂 Showroom Shanghai将在上海展览中心举办2024春夏订货会。这也是我们的第10个春夏订货会。









西班牙国宝级牛仔品牌LOIS,以其独特的牛仔面料,以及极好的性价比强势进入国内,也是本次时堂必看亮点。此外,总部位于巴黎的AMF SHOWROOM 以及CHIC SHOWROOM & BOUTIQUE也携一众服装配饰品牌前来参展。日本皮革协会JLIA也将在时堂呈现近10个匠心独具的日本品牌。



新中式风格今年以来有爆发的趋势,不少品牌突破了传统的桎梏,用各自的设计语言来呈现国风精神。除了时堂原本最具代表性的密扇外,本次我们精选了CRANE SING、㯥CAOXI囍、汉桃花 Han Tao Hua、榮RONG等数个新中式品牌,相信会是各大品台中,实力最强的组合了。



在低迷的市场环境下,我们得以看到简约风扑面而来的繁荣。优雅隽永的色彩、柔软内省的质地,借以高品质的面料重新定义女性力量。在上半年度大放异彩的ACHRONIE、AMOUTUM、APARALLEL、MAO BY MAO、NIAPARKA等品牌组成了我们豪华的简约风品牌阵容,不容错过。这也反映了市场日益回归理性的重大变化。



作为时堂羊绒品牌的扛把子,CHAU·RISING洲升加大了春夏系列的比例,朝着全品类的方向日臻圆熟。而首次在时堂亮相的D.MARTINA QUEEN品牌,其设计师丁洁是冬奥会开闭幕式总导演张艺谋钦点的服装设计师。去年斩获中国国际时装周最佳男装设计师的FACEONLAB今日青年是来炸场的。创立于伦敦的男装品牌CONSISTENCE也将在本届时堂展上首推女装系列。兼具嬉皮风格和vintage精神的AnOTHER MUSE多缪也曾获上海时装周的最具商业潜质奖,积淀数季后,将在时堂走出商业化的坚实一步。








Showroom Shanghai will be hosting the 2024 S/S Fair at the Shanghai Exhibition Center from October 9th to 12th, which will also mark the 10th anniversary of the fair. 


We started as an independent designer brand 10 years ago, and later reoriented as a group of “commercial designer brands” alongside the development and changes of the market. On the one hand, we encourage designers to develop towards commercialization; on the other hand, we provide a platform for updating and upgrading of many commercialized brands. Over the past decade, we have also witnessed the ups and downs of the market. Although retail sector remains gloomy recently, the long-term upward trend for fashion industry will continue as long as they develop along the path of branding.


For this fair, we will maintain the previous size, with a central hall plus the east and west pavilions covering more than 13,000 square meters. There will be nearly 200 brands, of which new ones account for nearly 35%. Amidst the harsh environment of the retail sector, what remains unchanged is that Showroom Shanghai will offer a glimpse of domestic designer brands with rich levels and diverse styles;what will be changed is the substantial improvement in the brands’ ability to tell stories.


Here is a brief summary of the four major trends of the brand portfolio.


1. Overseas Brands Flood in

CURIEL, an Italian high-end fashion brand with a history of nearly 120 years, has opened 25 stores across China, featuring premium little black dresses. The highest monthly sales of a single store exceed 3 million yuan, which makes it a particularly eye-catching overseas brandin recent years. This year, CURIEL restarted its wholesale business globally. We are also honored to be the first platform for CURIEL in China.


Spanish denim brand LOIS, a national treasure, has entered China with its unique denim fabrics and excellent cost effectiveness and become a must-see highlight of this event. In addition, Paris-based AMF SHOWROOM and CHIC SHOWROOM & BOUTIQUE will also be present with a number of fashion and accessories brands. The Japan Leather and Leather Goods Industries Association (JLIA) will also reveal nearly 10 unique Japanese brands at the Showroom Shanghai fair.


2. New Chinese Style Emerges

The new Chinese style has become a hit this year, as many brands have gone beyond traditions and presented the spirit of the national stylein their own design languages. In addition to its most representative brand Mukzin, Showroom Shanghai has also selected several brands of new Chinese style, such as CRANE SING, CAOXI, Han Tao Hua, and RONG, representing the strongest portfolio on major platforms. 


3. Minimalism Still in Vogue 

In a sluggish market, the prosperity of minimalism is evident. Elegant and timeless colors, soft and subtle textures, and high-quality fabrics redefine female power. Brands such as ACHRONIE, AMOUTUM, APARALLEL, MAO BY MAO, and NIAPARKA that shined in the first half of the year form our luxurious lineup of minimalist brands that should not be missed. This also reflects a major change -- the market’s increasing return to rationality.


4. Independent Designers Mature

As a leading cashmere brand of Showroom Shanghai, CHAU·RISING has increased the proportion of its spring and summer collection and is pushing towards a full range. As for D.MARTINA QUEEN, a brand to debut in Showroom Shanghai, its designer Ding Jie was the costume designer appointed by Zhang Yimou who oversaw the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2022 Winter Olympics. FACEONLAB, winner of the Best Menswear Designer at China Fashion Week last year, will be present to steal the spotlight. CONSISTENCE, a menswear brand founded in London, will also debut its women’s collection. AnOTHER MUSE, which combines the hippie style with a vintage spirit, is also a winner of the Commercial Potential Award at Shanghai Fashion Week. After several seasons of accumulation, it will take a solid step towards commercialization in Showroom Shanghai.


We are also redefining the brand spirit of Showroom Shanghai step by step through changes in exhibition curation and visual image.


“Heteroglossia” can be used to capture the selections of Showroom Shanghai. We are committed to presenting heterogenic diversity and cultural symbiosis in our industry. Every unique emerging brand can find a voice here. In terms of visual image, we highlight “heteroglossia”. The extensive use of mirrors allows every guest who visits the fair to be part of our visual image, and allows every wonderful practitioner to participate in the creation of “heteroglossia” and the dissolution of authority.


Meanwhile, the curved mirror installations with a strong post-modern feel and a series of spatial deconstruction and innovation are also quietly taking place, offsetting the solemnity and heaviness of the historic Shanghai Exhibition Center. This also demonstrates our proposition in the process of reshaping the Chinese fashion market -- we are taking a unique path with local characteristics in the fashion context defined by the West. We will gradually unveil the upgrading and transformation of Showroom Shanghai in the subsequent major exhibitions.

POSTED ON : Jun 09, 2023


6月30日-7月3日,时堂Showroom Shanghai将在上海展览中心举办2023 WINTER+ 冬展。




本次冬展,参展品牌逾60个。在历年冬展中都有极佳表现和长足增长的品牌,如CHAU·RISING洲升、FENGGY、MILI.XU、密MUKZIN扇、RE’VAN STUDIO、SELAH、VERA SERIASE都在其列。除此之外,本次参展的新品牌也占到了总量的1/3,包括CONSISTENCE 、Fakeme、KATAWORLD、queueup、在内的优秀新品牌可堪圈点。

Showroom Shanghai 2023 Winter+: A Season of Pragmatism

Showroom Shanghai  2023 WINTER+ will be host at the Shanghai Exhibition Center from June 30th to July 3rd.

More than two months ago, the first Showroom Shanghai AW tradeshow after the lifting of pandemic restrictions witnessed a recovery of traffic. While a total of 78% of participating brands met our expectations, we cannot ignore the continued downturn in the consumer goods market. According to the data of the National Bureau of Statistics, in this April, sales of apperal, shoes and hats, and knitted textiles fell by 9.7% from the previous month and were a far cry from those in January and February. Without any obvious boost during the golden week of May Day, the sales figure for May weren’t good either. In Q1 this year, RMB deposits surged by 10 trillion, reaching 60% of last year’s total. This indicates consumers’ weakened confidence and a pessimistic outlook for investment.


This isn’t the first contraction we’ve experienced and it won’t be the last. As the situation gets worse, pragmatism becomes even more important. After all, brand building is an ongoing battle. Showroom Shanghai launched its first Winter+ tradeshow in 2020, just after the initial breakout of the COVID pandemic. Back then, the philosophy was that “hard work pays off.” As long as we stuck to the unique characteristic of the brand, our efforts would eventually be fruitful. This year, we highlight “pragmatism,” presenting crafted, practical products.

The Showroom Shanghai  2023 WINTER+  will be held on the second floor of East Hall and the lobby of Central Hall, covering a total exhibition area of 5,800 square meters. Compared with our seasonal tradeshow,  2023 Winter+ is smaller in scale, with relatively fewer participating brands. But from our experience, Winter+  will be more market-oriented and the buyers will have more time allocated to new brands.


More than 60 brands will participate in this Showroom Shanghai  2023 WINTER+ , including those with excellent performance and rapid growth from the previous events, such as CHAU·RISING, FENGGY, MILI.XU, MUKZIN, RE’VAN STUDIO, SELAH, and VERA SERIASE. In addition, new brands also account for 1/3 of the total, including impressive ones like CONSISTENCE, Fakeme, KATAWORLD, and queueup.

POSTED ON : Mar 14, 2024



3月26-29日,时堂Showroom Shanghai 2024AW将依旧在上海展览中心与您见面。









Showroom Shanghai 2024AW: Will this Winter Still be Cold?


From March 26th to 29th, Showroom Shanghai 2024AW will return at the Shanghai Exhibition Center.

At Showroom Shanghai 2024SS in last October, we saw a clear trend of polarization for brand orders. Boutique stores tend to invest their limited budget into brands that are recognized, responsive, well-coordinated, and stand out for style advantages. Potential customers also maintained a conservative,  wait-and-see attitude. This has led to a strong flow of traffic for the fair but with a relatively lower conversion of orders than previous years. This is not just a problem for Showroom Shanghai alone, but for the entire industry at large, for all retailers and brands to suffer.

This year, based on the market response, we have relatively reduced the venue to 8,000 sq.m. at the first and second floors of the West Hall of Shanghai Exhibition Center. We have carefully selected 140 participating brands for our buyers. Among them, over 30% are new brands who remain optimistic about future market recovery. Thriving new brands will always be the most vigorous breakthrough tool for Showroom Shanghai.

As we stand at the beginning of 2024, the retail sector has picked up slightly, which is mainly due to the increased sales in designer brands with high unit prices driven by online streamers. This may also herald another change in customer structure, which perhaps suggests a new round of disruption to the sector.

At this low point of the cycle where IRL (in real life) retail has not yet lost momentum, Showroom Shanghai looks to pursue stable and high-quality development alongside brands and buyers. We believe that only by upholding confidence, continuously providing high-quality and differentiated products, and seizing new opportunities in the transformation of customer service structure, can designer brands survive the economic downturn and get prepared for the future recovery.


POSTED ON : Mar 21, 2023



3月25-28日,时堂 Showroom Shanghai 2023秋冬 将在老地方,上海展览中心与您相约。










Showroom Shanghai Makes a Comeback with A/W 2023 Series


Showroom Shanghai will make its debut in the post-COVID-19 era with A/W 2023 series at the usual place--Shanghai Exhibition Center--from March 25 to 28.


The past three years have witnessed the ups and downs of the market. Now, in an era when implementation of COVID-19 control measures has become routine, is it possible for us to return to our record high in 2021? This is what everyone in the industry would wonder when it comes to this season’s showroom. However, operation data in the first two months this year showed that the catering segment has recovered at a pace much faster than the retail sector. It is expected that in A/W 2023, brands are still going to face considerable challenges. According to the incomplete statistics of Showroom Shanghai, about 25% of the select shops failed to make it through this winter.


However, registration for participation indicated that the designer brands are generally positive and optimistic about the market. This season’s showroom also runs in parallel with that of the same period in 2021in terms of scale, with a total of 206 brands registered, 35% of which are new participants to the Showroom.  We are more than happy to inject new blood into the market.


After the market slump last year, the sweet and cool style is gradually giving way to simplicity that highlights texture in 2023. This season will present a more intuitive picture of the significant market changes in the post-epidemic era. As restrictions related to COVID-19 have been lifted, there are an increasing number of startups by returnee designers, in addition to overseas brands that have been absent for three years.


The first exhibition of Showroom Shanghai in 2023 bids farewell to the “uncertainties” of the past three years, as well as a new beginning.

POSTED ON : Aug 18, 2022







1. 入场人员应在活动前10天内没有境外旅居史,7天内没有国内中高风险地区旅居史。

2. 入场人员必须符合如下条件:






POSTED ON : Jul 05, 2022





7月15日-7月18日,时堂 Showroom Shanghai 2022 WINTER+冬展,将亮相于杭州武林之星博览中心2号厂房。

















Confirmed! Showroom Shanghai 2022 WINTER+ COLLECTION will be relocated to Hangzhou in mid-July


How are you? We haven’t seen you for half a year.


Showroom Shanghai 2022 WINTER+  COLLECTION will be hosted at No.2 Plant of Wulin Constellation Expo. Center in Hangzhou from July 15th to 18th.


This time, we have no choice but move away from our hometown. Shanghai suffered a lot from the pandemic this spring, and it takes time to recover. To ensure a safe and convenient travel for our buyers from across the country, we are relocating the exhibition venue from Shanghai to Hangzhou. Though there is no confirmed case for quite a few days and dine-in services, gyms, cinemas and Disneyland are also gradually opened, even the asterisk in the travel code is canceled nationwide, leaving more space for travel.


This is the first time Showroom Shanghai is hosted outside Shanghai since its establishment 8 years ago. Though it causes inconveniences for Shanghai brands to travel across provinces and participate in the exhibition, most of them who signed up for this WINTER+ COLLECTION still choose to go with Showroom Shanghai. Meanwhile, more showrooms from Shanghai will also host ordering events in Hangzhou and try to remodel an ordering season in small scale.


Small outbreaks of COVID pandemic happened occasionally from the second half of 2021, causing interruptions to the fashion retail sector. After a relatively short recovery in spring 2022, the outbreaks inHangzhou and Shenzhen hit the two major garment industrial cities. Soon Shanghai was stricken by a majoroutbreak, followed by sporadic outbreaks in Beijing in May. All these have greatly affected fashion retail inChina for the first half of 2022, and new bookings for 2022 AW. Showroom Shanghai 2022AW COLLECTION was postponed and later cancelled, and Showroom Shanghai 2022 WINTER+ COLLECTION was postponed twice and ultimately held out of Shanghai. The entire industry was in trouble, and thus all favorable chancesand policies should be seized to bring new products to the market in this harsh time.


Focusing on the demands of growing brands, Showroom Shanghai is committed to provide ordering opportunities, thus greatly meeting the vital demands of small and medium-sized brands. In April 2020, Showroom Shanghai pioneered in organizing the first PUZZLE Exhibition, a series of small-scale, multi-venue events preventing large crowd gatherings, to help many brands overcome difficulties. As the first large-scale exhibition after four months of market aspiration, Showroom Shanghai 2022 WINTER+ COLLECTION will be a rare opportunity for every brand, and the first reunion of the whole industry after half a year’s silence. This hard-won Showroom Shanghai 2022 WINTER+ COLLECTION shall be remembered by history.


Although Showroom Shanghai 2022 WINTER+ COLLECTION in 2022 was postponed and ultimately relocated to Hangzhou, the scale is not compromised. The new venue, WULIN CONSTELLATION, was formerly the famous oxygen machine factory in Hangzhou. Designed by renowned architecture firm Herzog & de Meuron Architekten. The combination of Showroom Shanghai and this renovated Hangzhou landmark will bring you a brand new exhibition experience.


WULIN CONSTELLATION is located in a core CBD of Hangzhou, is only 3 km away from Hangzhou East Railway Station.


PLANT 2 hosts an exhibition area of 10,000 square meters, which basically equals to that of Showroom Shanghai 2021 WINTER+ COLLECTION. The number of participating fashion and accessories brands reaches more than 130, 50% more than the same period last year.


Some brands told Showroom Shanghai that at this tough moment, any ordering opportunities should be seized, especially a special ordering season-- an industry event that will be reappeared in Hangzhou in mid-July.


We are looking forward to meeting you in Hangzhou!

POSTED ON : Nov 18, 2021



12月17日-20日,时堂 SUMMER+ 夏展如约而至。








最先响应我们夏展的品牌,包括RE’VAN STUDIO、UOOYAA LAB、MILI.XU、MUKZIN密扇、夹生: HALF-MADE_、SELAH、UKEEP、PANTTERFLY、Seriase……都是时堂的压舱石。他们都将加盟时堂夏展首秀。


今年10月,时堂在四行仓库4楼推出了全新的THE UNION by 时堂 常年展,也会在夏展期间,以完整的面貌示人。




11月22日-26日,THE UNION会先做一轮订货预热,组织了70个精选品牌的深冬新品现货,以及10多个羽绒强单品品牌,帮助买手店决战双旦销售季。有空的话,可以赶在夏展前,提前解锁THE UNION的魅力。





Showroom Shanghai 2022 SUMMER+—Summer, A Key to the Market 


Showroom Shanghai SUMMER+ will be held from December 17th to 20th.


Spring and autumn days are getting shorter. Last year, we reaped a harvest from our first winter trade show. Now our summer trade show is here.


Designer brands have paid little attention to summer, when materials used are light and thin, and the structure is simple, with not muchleeway for designers. But summer is the season in which young people haunt the streets in a huge diversity of clothes. The traditional spring-summer and autumn-winter orders are highly competitive. Before most designers realize it, we argue that summer is a key to the market.


Due to the schedule of the Shanghai Exhibition Center, we relocate our venue for Showroom Shanghai SUMMER+ temporarily to Suhewan at 

No. 30 Wen’an Road (the former site of the warehouse of the Industrial Bank of China) and


the fourth floor of the Sihang Warehouse where we hosted part of our previous exhibitions.


These dual venues sit on the north bank of the Suzhou River, with a walking distance of only 200 meters. Again, it’s like two flowers blooming at the same time.


The brands that first supported our summer show includes RE’VAN STUDIO, UOOYAA LAB, MILI.XU, MUKZIN, HALF-MADE_, SELAH, UKEEP, PANTTERFLY and Serase. They are all important partners of Showroom Shanghai, and will be present at the inaugural of Showroom Shanghai SUMMER+.


Our new perennial exhibition launched this October on the 4th floor of Sihang Warehouse, THE UNION by Showroom Shanghai, will also be fully unveiled during this summer show.


Therefore, there will be more than 60 brands participating in Showroom Shanghai SUMMER+. The brands engaged in spot orders will bring the total number to 120. The exhibition will cover an area of 10,000 square meters.


From November 22nd to 26th, THE UNION will organize a warm-up event of order placing, where 70 selected brands will be present bringing their new winter products, plus more than 10 strong brands specialized in down to help buyers boost their sales. If you are available, you may unlock the charm of THE UNION before the summer show.


This summer show is the last piece of Showroom Shanghai’s jigsaw for 4 shows a year. We are increasing the ordering frequency, not to intensify competition, but to give brands at different stages of development and with different backgrounds diversified choices to enter the market.


Thank you for your attention. We look forward to seeing you soon.

POSTED ON : Sep 14, 2021



10月9日-12日,时堂Showroom Shanghai 2022春夏展再度登场。


















回过头来看,时堂在逐步扩大规模,提高展会频次的基础上,也在不断尝试推出新的服务。2019年,我们做了替设计师品牌消化库存的THE WAREHOUSE,一不小心红了;今年10月,我们将推出我们精心准备了1年半的THE UNION常年展,以适应日趋碎片化的渠道发展。

At the doorstep of Showroom Shanghai 2022 SS, we apologize that we are not big enough



From 9th to 12th October, Showroom Shanghai 2022 SS Collection come back again.


First of all, we have to say sorry to those brands that have tried to enroll in but failed in the end. It's really not because you are not good, it’s because we are not big enough.



Originally, we planned to hold the new exhibition based on the scale of the 21 AW collection thrown in April this year, but we were shocked after surveying brands for their intention to attend. We initially planned an exhibition area of 12,000 square meters, which was far from enough even for hosting old friends, let alone those inquiring new brands. It’s because each season more and more brands increased demand for booth space — 30% of the brands that enrolled each season have doubled their booth space.



As a result, we hurriedly expanded the exhibition area to 16,000 square meters. However, the proportion of new brands that can get in is still lower than 30%, which Showroom Shanghai has insisted on to guarantee the freshness of Showroom.



Finally, we had to use external space and set up a secondary venue of over 4,000 square meters in Joint Savings Bank Warehouse, a key national preserved historical building. Even so, it is still a shame that we cannot take in all those outstanding brands willing to join our exhibition.



Therefore, to visit Showroom Shanghai 2022 SS exhibition, you will have to go to two places. But it’s like two flowers blooming at the same time.



So far, our October exhibition has been expanded to nearly three times over the same period last year. It takes the second floor of the West Hall 1, the Central Hall and the first and second floors of the East Hall 1 of Shanghai Exhibition Centre, and the entire 4th floor of the Joint Savings Bank Warehouse. The number of brands reached 300, also a new record in our history.


In response to the explosive rebound of the market last year, Showroom Shanghai increased the frequency of exhibitions. In addition to regular two annual exhibitions during fashion weeks, we added the Winter+ Collection, opening another showing space for Showroom Shanghai’s participating brands and accelerating the birth of many new brands with eye-catching market performance. More and more brands that rely on traditional retail channels have also opened up "buyer lines" and become "invasive creatures" in the ecology. The market is really kicking.



We see that in a post-pandemic market, new communication and sales models are reshaping the landscape of China's mid-to-high-end women's wear market. This makes the traditional model of single-brand retail, which  relies heavily on commercial real estate to attract off-line traffic, go fragmented step by step. Showroom Shanghai is truly honored to witness these major changes of the era.


Looking back, in addition to continuously scaling up and increasing the frequency of exhibitions, Showroom Shanghai is also introducing new services. In 2019, we launched THE WAREHOUSE to help designer brands to revitalize their excess inventory, which later became a hit; in October of this year, we will launch THE UNION, a perennial exhibition we have carefully prepared for one and a half years to adapt to the increasingly fragmented channels. Please stay tuned for the upcoming post at Showroom Shanghai official wechat account, where we will officially introduce THE UNION by Showroom Shanghai.


POSTED ON : Jun 07, 2021



7月1日-4日,时堂Showroom Shanghai即将于上海展览中心,开启第二次Winter+冬展。


去年6月20日,时堂首开Winter+冬展,开启了一年三展的行业创新。彼时,疫情刚刚趋稳,品牌持保守观望态度者居多。但事实证明,去年参与冬展的品牌皆收获颇丰,比如RE’VAN、洲升CHAU•RISING、MAO MART HOMME、PAN’TTERFLY、夹生:HALF-MADE_,以及Seriase获得了高速增长。




去年冬展的成功,也为今年二开的冬展扩容埋下伏笔。此次,我们将场地从去年的3800平增至9358平。今年4月刚刚亮相的中央大厅展区,依旧云集了不少了重头品牌。Le Fame拉飞姆、Mili.Xu、ZINGME、MUKZIN、PAN’TTERFLY自秋冬展上大放异彩后,继续担纲中央大厅的压舱石。而乌丫/UOOYAA的重磅回归,也将成为此次中央大厅展区的一大亮点。


而西一馆,能继续看到上一季表现精彩的品牌,比如千万俱乐部里的洲升CHAU•RISING、夹生:HALF-MADE_、Seriase、Lynn Gong、BIBILEE、shenshen、SELAH等。并且,我们着重引导了一干在羽绒、针织、大衣品类上的强势特色品牌,值得大家期待。






Showroom Shanghai 21WINTER+, Nice to Meet You Again


From July 1st to 4th, the second Showroom Shanghai Winter+ collection will kick off at Shanghai Exhibition Center.  


On June 20 last year, Showroom Shanghai organized its first Winter+ collection and started an innovative journey of throwing three shows a year, which is unprecedented in the industry. At that time, the pandemic just started to slow down, and most brands took a wait-and-see attitude. But it turned out that all the brands present at the Winter+ collection last year clearly benefited a lot, and many of them recorded rapid growth, including RE'VAN, CHAU•RISING, MAO MART HOMME, PAN'TTERFLY, HALF-MADE_, and Seriase.


Increasing orders received will enable brands to accelerate the transition to commercialization. At the debut Winter+ collection last year, 85 brands received 200 million orders within just 4 days. Many buyers raved that during the fashion week, since so many ordering meetings were around and the schedule was so tight, they just had no time to check new brands. Showroom Shanghai’s WINTER+ avoided this hassle by shunning the fashion week and allowed buyers to have enough time to hunt for those treasure brands overlooked before.


The success of last year's Winter+ collection paved the way for the expansion of the Winter+ collection this year. We increased the exhibition area to 9358 square meters from last year’s 3800 square meters. The Central Hall firstly included in our April collection will also be the center stage for big brands. Major brands like Le Fame, Mili.Xu, ZINGME, MUKZIN, and PAN'TTERFLY will return to the central hall after their huge success at 21AW collection.  The return of UOOYAA will also be a highlight of the Central Hall.


West Platform Hall will again feature those brands that performed well in the previous seasons, including Chau•RISING, HALF-MADE_, Seriase, Lynn Gong, BIBILEE, shenshen, SELAH, etc. In addition, we also put a focus on many strong brands in the down, knitting, and coat categories, which is worth looking forward to.


High-quality and mature brands are important, but Showroom Shanghai has always paid special attention to new brands. This time, 54% of the exhibitors are new brands, which represents new vigor and energy. The inclusion of more than a dozen emerging trendy brands from China and overseas add more vitality to the Winter+ collection. At the end of the 2021 ordering season, we are bringing together plenty of wonderful designs at one time that are not to be missed.


With the maturity and normalization of the Winter+ collection, we are confident that we are able to drive a new wave of explosive growth for participating brands. See you in July.

POSTED ON : Jun 02, 2020




Showroom Shanghai launched Winter+, another exhibition aimed to promote the fashion industry after PUZZLE in April, in the Shanghai Exhibition Center on June 20th. The occasion marks another get-together of designer brands.

Winter+ is another milestone of Showroom Shanghai since it was established 6 years ago. It adopts the new model of three exhibitions a year in an attempt to boost orders and tap into the potential rigid demand brought by the commercialization of brands, as the market matures. The new exhibitions allow brands to divide products reasonably and effectively and launch them at the right pace. This will not only fulfill the retailers’ demand for new products in the off-season, but also strengthen product development in the boom season, improving their capital turnover. In addition, Winter+ is also of practical significance as it provides retailers and brands that missed the autumn and winter exhibition in April with the final opportunity for display of this year’s products.

The first Winter+, held across 3,800 m2, gathers more than 70 friends, old and new, of Showroom Shanghai. The number of debuts is close to 35, accounting for 49%, higher than the previous percentage of 30%. This also reflects a more urgent demand of the emerging brands for commercialization.

POSTED ON : Mar 30, 2020





As the COVID-19 pandemic sweeps across the globe, Showroom Shanghai’s 2020 Autumn & Winter collection will be stepped out from Shanghai Exhibition Center and launched the “Showroom PUZZLE” concept by integrating small and independent showrooms across Shanghai. The joint efforts are meant to prevent the spread of pandemic by lowering crowd density and showcase all the designer brands to the best possible extent.

Separated into two independent spaces at THE X Tower (No.100 Yejiazhai Road), the main venue of the Showroom PUZZLE houses 30 brands. It will be open to buyers from across China from April 10th to 14th. In addition, the Showroom team has invited a dozen designer brands which will stage their own showrooms all across Shanghai.

Given the particular circumstances of this buying season, a considerable line-up of competitive designer brands will come together in Shanghai, even though a panoramic display of Showroom’s brands in Shanghai Exhibition Center is not feasible.

In concert with the winter style development of many brands, from June 19th to 22nd, Showroom Shanghai will return to Shanghai Exhibition Center to host the “Showroom WINTER+” show for the first time, in an attempt to catch up with the demands of the brands that are lagging behind on their A/W development schedules. The now biannual schedule will be rearranged on a triannual basis. This change indicates the commercial maturity of Showroom Shanghai.

POSTED ON : Sep 04, 2019

2019年10月11日-14日,时堂Showroom Shanghai 2020春夏展,将于上海展览中心西一馆开展。纵观本次173个参展品牌的年营业额规模,已跃升至60亿元人民币。较上届同一数据的22亿人民币,商业体量将近翻了三倍之多,而这一切仅仅发生在短短半年之内。




时堂2020春夏参展品牌中,年营业额过亿元大关的品牌共计15个,占比8.7%。其中既包含老品牌的重装蜕变,也不乏规模不小的线上品牌走向线下,更有在时堂摸爬滚打后,一步跨越亿元大关的熟面孔。而年营业额过千万元的品牌共计43个,占比25%。而2014年4月,时堂初创时,所有品牌的年营业额之和仅为4400万元。另一方面。在市场飞速发展的过程中,今年更是迎来了时堂品牌的开店潮:密扇MUKZIN、CHOCO CONCERT、WHATEVER EYEWEAR、DAMOWANG、YOUWEI、洲升CHAU RISING相继开启品牌独立线下门店。时堂已然成为全国设计师女装的潮流风向标。以全国百货标杆久光百货为例,近两年共计新入驻24个女装品牌,时堂参展品牌占比29%,达7个。


本季时堂的国际品牌数量也有所上升,较之上一季32%的占比,本季共收录63个海外品牌,占比跃升至36%。比较特别的是,法国女装联合会(Fédération Française du Prêt à Porter Féminin)也带来了8个各具特色的法国品牌,与时堂共同尝试打造别致的“法国馆”。本季时堂的配饰品牌占比为29%,继续在市场上发力。3月底,时堂首次推出了fashion jewelry专区,成交活跃,吸引了大量的人流与买家。本季,fashion jewelry专区的品牌数量增加50%,达27个。



Showroom Shanghai 2020 Spring/Summer Exhibition will be held at Hall W1 of Shanghai Exhibition Center from October 11th to 14th, 2019. In view of the annual turnover scale of 173 participant brands, six billion yuan has been reached, which is approximately triple as that of the last exhibition (2.2 billion yuan), and such increment has been created within half a year.


The total turnover of “Clothing, footwear, hats, knitwear and textile” only has grown only 3% y-o-y in the H12019, according to the National Bureau of Statistics. It is penultimate in terms of social consumer goods, just better than the automobile industry in growth rate. However, as the upgraded retail category, designer brands have enjoyed an overall growth against the trend, according to the data of Showroom Shanghai. In the previous quarter, the number of buyer stores nationwide was 3,101 with an increase rate of 51%, setting up the second highest growth record in history. Such increase is also demonstrated by the "Win Shang Data " with respect to its statistics on the shopping malls across the country – In 2018, there is no doubt that the collection store has become a new project attracting more investment in the shopping malls regarding clothing categories of newly opened shopping malls in typical cities throughout the country because the commercial activities of the collection store suddenly rose by 9% in that year, compared to 6% in the previous years. However, according to the "Report on Analysis of the Development Status of Designer Brand Industry and Forecast of Market Prospects in China from 2019 to 2025" issued by Zhiyan Consulting Group, it is expected that the scale of designer brands in 2019 will reach 72.1 billion yuan and rise by 91.6 billion yuan in 2020, a growth rate of 27%. On the other hand, Showroom Shanghai has increased its overall commercial volume by 172% without increasing its exhibition area.


Among the brands showcased at Showroom Shanghai 2020 Spring/Summer Exhibition, there are 15 brands with annual turnover exceeding 100 million yuan and accounts for 8.7%, including upgraded and expanded old brands, as well as large-scale online brands entering the offline market, and familiar brands which have received an annual turnover exceeding 100 million yuan unexpectedly in a short period after going through numerous hardships for a long time in the Showroom Shanghai. Meanwhile, 43 brands have an annual turnover of over 10 million yuan, accounting for 25%. Looking back in April 2014 when Showroom Shanghai was inaugurating, the aggregate annual turnover of all the participant brands was only 44 million yuan. On the other hand, it has become a trend for many brands in Showroom Shanghai to open stores this year with the rapid development of the market: MUKZIN, CHOCO CONCERT, WHATEVER EYEWEAR, DAMOWANG, YOUWEI and CHAU RISING have opened offline sto res independently. Showroom Shanghai has become the trend vane of women's clothing for designers all over the country. Take Jiuguang Department Store (a national benchmarking department store) as an example, a total of 24 newcomer brands for new women's clothing were established over the past two years, including 7 participant brands of Showroom Shanghai, accounting for 29%.


The number of international brands showcased at Showroom Shanghai has also increased to 63 this season, accounting for 36% compared to 32% for the previous season Especially, the Fédération Française du Prêt à Porter Féminin (French Federation of Women's Wear) has also brought eight distinctive French brands, aiming at creating a unique "French-style Pavillion" at Showroom Shanghai. This season, the percentage of accessory brands continues to grow, reaching 29% of all brands at Showroom Shanghai. At the end of March, Showroom Shanghai revealed a dedicated display area for fashion jewelry for the first time, bringing a great many of transactions and attracting a large number of visitors and buyers. The number of brands in this dedicated area has increased to 27 this season, a growth rate of 50%.


By continuous exploration and trying in the pursuit of selective innovations, Showroom Shanghai will capture the market trends more accurately to achieve steady growth and maintain the growth of the designer brands in adversity.

POSTED ON : Mar 04, 2019

2019年3月30日至4月2日,时堂Showroom Shanghai 2019秋冬服装服饰展会,将于上海展览中心西一馆开展。全新一届的时堂,将迎来5周年的庆典,较之上一届,展场面积翻倍扩容至7146平米。



配饰比重的扩大也是此次时堂的亮点,占全部参展品牌的33%。其中,除了为时堂原本的实力版块包袋,开设了专区外,全新开设的时尚首饰专区,一举增加到了21个品牌。而诸如像是国际袜子品牌Happy Socks,以及国内旅行方式独立设计品牌ITO的参与,也丰富了时堂参展品牌的品类。

从风格上而言,这次时堂明显的改变是运动风格的大幅度提高。UOOYAA品牌的运动线将在时堂亮相。不少品牌身上的运动、街头元素显著。值得一提的是,时尚感强烈的专业运动品牌Particle Fever(粒子狂热),也加入了时堂的阵容,其线上、线下店铺与买手店的业绩都不容小觑。


In West-1 Hall of Shanghai Exhibition Center, Showroom Shanghai will stage its 2019 Autumn & Winter Show from March 30 to April 2, 2019. Showroom Shanghai will be celebrating its 5th anniversary on this 7,146m2 of exhibition space, doubling its previous area.

Showroom Shanghai picks out 154 premium brands from over 400 applicant brands. With doubled exhibition space, the number of brands grows just 37% over the previous year. This is because many brands are expanding their presence at the event. 36% of all the returning brands have their exhibition space at least 30% larger than the previous year.

Alongside living by its all-time high quality standards, Showroom Shanghai always sees that every exhibition shall include a minimum of 30% new participant brands, to lend freshness to the show. With a much greater exhibition area, Showroom Shanghai gets over the dilemma of including new brands and insufficient space. Close to half (47%) of the 154 participant brands are newcomers, including a few established domestic and foreign brands as well as new brands with strong teams, background and performance.

Another highlight of the event is the importance attached to accessories, accounting for 33% of all participant brands. Apart from the dedicated zone for bags, an existing powerhouse of the event, Showroom Shanghai will also feature a zone for jewelries, with a total of 21 new fashion jewelry brands. Adding to the diversity of showcasing categories is an assortment of other accessory brands, such as Happy Socks, an international hosiery brand, and ITO, a domestic independent design brand of travel-style.

In terms of style, a notable change is that the sportswear gets way more manifest this time. The sports line of UOOYAA will be unveiled at this event. Lots of brands feature sports and street wear elements. Here’s another thing worth noting. Particle Fever, a professional sports brand with a strong fashion touch, has joined us at Showroom Shanghai. What PF has achieved with its on-line and off-line stores and boutiques is something you will find impressing.

A notable feature of this year’s Showroom Shanghai is the gigantic commercial volume of the participant brands. For the inaugural exhibition, the aggregate annual turnover of all the participant brands was RMB 44 million. While for the upcoming season, according to incomplete statistics, this figure has grown by 50 times to 2.2 billion. Of all the participant brands, 25% have at least one independent store and enjoy a sizable commercial base. This suggests that the last five years have been a period of steady growth for the designer brands, and that an increasing number of Showroom Shanghai newcomers have expectations beyond just “designer brands”. More importantly, they are working their way towards more commercially valuable design brands. In the same way, Showroom Shanghai has been transformed from a “designer brand” exhibition into a centralized display platform for “design brands”.

POSTED ON : Sep 29, 2018

2018年10月13日至16日,时堂 Showroom Shanghai 2019 spring/summer将于上海展览中心西一馆一楼开展,而这也是时堂的整整第10届展会。



据悉,随着时堂跨过第五个年头,也将面临再一次的全面升级。自第11届开始,时堂 Showroom Shanghai将扩大规模,以期服务好更多的品牌、买手及专业人士,敬请期待。

Showroom Shanghai 2019 Spring/Summer Exhibition (the 10th exhibition of Showroom) will be held on the first floor of the West Hall of Shanghai Exhibition Center from October 13th to 16th, 2018.

This year, offline retail shows signs of recovery and gradually grows strong and regains the favor of consumers through continuous adjustments. The steady increase in sales of offline stores ushers in a new wave of store opening and the expansion of store size. Under these favorable conditions, numerous major brands have come to the exhibition, while a group of well-established brands with a number of independent shops happened to return together, making the brand combination of Showroom more powerful than ever.

According to statistics, 112 exhibitors are due to show up in this exhibition, among which, the number of men's wear brands reaches 15, and the proportion of accessories brands climbs to 19%. At the same time, the number of overseas brands reaches a new height, accounting for 40% of the total number of exhibitors.  Endeavoring to keep pace with the times and strive for excellence through accumulation and exploration, Showroom spares no effort to stay abreast of the trend of the customer-oriented market, and to deliver the greatest benefit to participating brands in terms of business model, business strategy, spatial layout and service experience.

Reportedly, upon its fifth anniversary, Showroom Shanghai will have another comprehensive upgrade and be expanded to serve more brands, buyers and professionals starting from the 11th exhibition. Please look for more to come.

POSTED ON : Mar 12, 2018

2018年3月30日至4月2日,时堂Showroom Shanghai (以下简称“时堂”)2018秋冬系列服装服饰展,在上海展览中心西一馆举办。 



顾名思义,“向外走”是带国内品牌走向国际市场。本季时堂,小试牛刀为BAN XIAOXUE品牌在巴黎时装周期间,开设品牌独立showroom,接待全球买手。

“向上走”则指的是时堂跳脱开单一的品牌与买手客户的桥梁功能,深入时尚文化的核心。因此,时堂与当代艺术地标——上海当代艺术博物馆(MoCA),联合开创了 “Fashion in Museum”这一活动平台。打头阵的是3月22日至4月9日,在MoCA举办的《情迷蕾丝》(The Lace Review)时尚工艺展。此展梳理了法国北部上塞纳地区14间顶尖蕾丝工坊,其中不乏为奢侈品大牌与皇室御用的蕾丝工坊。精湛的蕾丝制作技艺,以艺术化的表现方式,呈现给专业观众,相信普通时尚爱好者也能近距离地感受到蕾丝工艺之美。3月29日,在MoCA,纽约FIT博物馆馆长兼策展人、时装学专家Valerie Steele,京都服饰文化服装研究院院长、策展人深井晃子,以及V&A博物馆资深策展人Sonnet Stanfill,将汇聚一堂,共同探讨时尚策展、从博物馆空间到商业空间的呈现,以及中国品牌如何进入国际知名博物馆收藏的途径等议题。3月31日的另两场论坛,将围绕“如何策划一场时装展”,以及“中法传统工艺的保护”这两个主题来展开讨论。到场嘉宾将包括丹佛艺术博物馆策展人,Dior设计艺术大展联合策展人Florence Muller,以及开云集团可持续发展事业部主席等各界大咖。丰富多彩的“Fashion in Museum”系列活动,通过艺术、社会、传统、可持续发展等人文视角,站在制高点,关照整个产业。


In the West-1 Hall of Shanghai Exhibition Center, Showroom Shanghai is to stage its 2018 Autumn & Winter Collection Show from March 30 to April 2, 2018.

After 4 years of preparing itself, Showroom has attracted a stable professional audience of over 3,000 from all around China. Not only is Showroom a trailblazer of showroom for independent Chinese designers and brands, but it has emerged as a leading premium exhibition in the industry thanks to its high-end positioning. Handpicked by the sponsor from close to 300 applicant brands, the 98 exhibitors are mostly design brands that are committed to products and with promising growth potential. Among them, first-time participating brands account for 30%, which are poised to imbue vitality into the market. Overseas brands contribute 36% to the total number with a slight growth. This year, based on a market survey, Showroom Shanghai creates for the first time a special exhibition zone for men’s wear, which groups and showcases men’s wear brands that represent 15% of all the participating brands, in response to growing market demand.

Showroom Shanghai, as an open platform, aspires to more than the exhibitions held twice a year during Shanghai Fashion Week. Epitomizing its vision in “Going out, going up, and going to the source”, it has organized a number of relevant events.

“Going out”, as the name implies, is to bring domestic brands onto the international market. In this season, Showroom Shanghai provided BAN XIAOXUE with its own brand showroom during Paris Fashion Week as a debuting brand, to welcome buyers throughout the globe.

By “going up”, Showroom Shanghai determines to do more than relying solely on its role as a bridge between brands and buyers in an attempt to venture into the spotlight of the fashion culture. To this end, Showroom Shanghai creates a platform of events called “Fashion in Museum” in coalition with a fashion landmark, Museum of Contemporary Art, Shanghai (MoCA). The first to debut is the Lace Review, a fashion artwork show staged at MoCA from March 22 to April 9, where there are 14 top lace workshops from Hauts-de-Seine in northern France to be showcased, quite a number of which are well-established names in the luxury industry and among royal families. Exquisite lace workmanship is not only to be presented to professional viewers as works of art, but also to be put in close contact with ordinary fashion lovers. Valerie Steele, curator and director of the Museum at FIT in New York, Akiko Fukai, chief curator of the Kyoto Costume Institute, and Sonnet Stanfill, renowned director of V&A Museum, will be meeting on March 29 at MoCA, to explore, among others, fashion show, presentation of museum space and commercial space, and how Chinese brands could find their way into internationally recognized museums. Two additional forums, to be held on March 31, are centered on “How to plan a fashion show” and “Preservation of Chinese and French traditional workmanship”. Attending guests include a couple of VIPs in the industry, like Florence Müller, head curator at Denver Art Museum and co-curator of current Dior exhibition in Museum of Decorative Arts in Paris, the chairman of the Sustainable Development Division of Kering Group, etc. The rich array of “Fashion in Museum” events are of great relevance for the entire industry from multiple humanistic perspectives including art, society, tradition, and sustainable development.

The program of “Going to the source” stemmed from Showroom Shanghai’s support for “China Cup” International Costume Design Competition, a contest with a history of 22 years. This year, “China Cup · TECUL College Graduation Season Costume Design Competition”, on a fresh start, received over 1,000 competing designs, from which nearly 20 professional judges picked out 30 winners. During Showroom Shanghai exhibition, these winners, the backbones for fashion design in the future, will bring with them their newly completed designs to the judges, who will be determining the winners for the grand prize. Meanwhile, it is the hope of the competition host that the cooperation with Showroom Shanghai could enable excellent student designers to personally experience the commercial atmosphere so that they may know how to make an ideal combination between commerce and design. Furthermore, Showroom Shanghai is to continue with its in-depth cooperation with fashion colleges and training institutions in an all-round support for backbone designers of the future costume industry.

POSTED ON : Sep 08, 2017

2017年10月14日至17日,时堂Showroom Shanghai将继续在上海展览中心西一馆举办2018春夏季服装服饰展。作为上海时装周所极力打造的“亚洲最大订货季”的重要组成部分,时堂继续巩固其在本土高端时装市场上的领先地位。




Showroom Shanghai will host the 2018 Spring & Summer collection exhibition at the West No.1 Hall of Shanghai Exhibition Center from October 14 to October 17, 2017. As an important constituent of “the largest order season in Asia” featured in Shanghai Fashion Week, Showroom Shanghai will spare no efforts in consolidating its leading position in the local high-end fashion market.

This April, Showroom Shanghai is officially set up at Shanghai Exhibition Center at its third anniversary, enhancing viewers’ experience tremendously. The exhibition, covering an area of 3,600m2, has become the most popular showroom with matured brands. Three years of accumulation has endowed Showroom Shanghai with a steady audience of 3,000 professional visitors, including elite representatives of fashion buyers, brands, media, and investors, among which, professional buyers have accounted for half the number, creating values for the participants in the meantime. Additionally, Showroom Shanghai has also offered professional buyers the broad space from which to choose brand portfolio of high marketization degree. 

Showroom Shanghai 2018SS will keep a high-stand brand portfolio. Ninety-three brands of different styles are singled out from many booth applicants for different retail requirements. More and more overseas design brands, which have come to regard Showroom Shanghai as their doorway into Chinese market, account for 26% at this upcoming show, including matured business design brands that have already owned hundreds of sales channels. Accessory brands, which have been on at the rise with each expo, account for 25% this time, and have become the most sought-after category. For men’s wear, the percentage is up slightly to 11%, but will keep rising amid aspiration of many retailers to open select shops for men’s wear. 

Growing steadily together with markets and brands has always been Showroom Shanghai’s initial intention these three years.  

POSTED ON : Sep 07, 2017

“时堂 Showroom Shanghai” 迎来了第三个年头!2017秋冬系列服装服饰展将于2017年4月8日至11日,在上海展览中心西一馆1楼举办。




除了形象的全面升级以外, “时堂Showroom Shanghai”和上海时装周正式联姻,成为上海时装周官方展会。时堂希望能与上海时装周这一中国最具影响力之一的平台,深入合作,一同深耕本土市场。


此外,在本届时堂展会,将携手“界面新闻”,在现场做6场高端产业论坛。“界面新闻”时尚版块的年轻编辑记者团队,以其专业素养,不断输出与众不同的产业视角和思考,这点与时堂的态度高度契合。该系列论坛将以“新秩序New Order”为标题,邀请业内扛鼎人士,在新的商业、传播环境下,共同探讨如何完成国内品牌的升级换代,并更好地构建未来的新常态。

New Image for Showroom Shanghai 17AW Collection Exhibition  to Create a Headline IP in the Industry

Going into its third year, the 2017 A/W collection exhibition, owned by Showroom Shanghai, will run on the first floor of the West No.1 Hall of Shanghai Exhibition Center from April 8-11, 2017.

After three years of practice, Showroom Shanghai, which made its debut on April 13, 2014, has been clear about its own position—focusing on emerging high- and medium-end fashion brands with business development potential through the lens of independent designers, thus making it a catalyst for consumption upgrading of the Chinese fashion industry.

In the run up to its third birthday celebration, Showroom Shanghai is significantly upgrading its image by staging its show at Shanghai Exhibition Center, a downtown historic building. Nearly doubling its floor size, the new show will reach 3,600sqm, with an enlarged public area to enhance the viewers’ experience. Here, the most potential emerging fashion brands are bound to have a dialogue with this magnificent historic building across time.

The venue is designed by Mr. Hong Renjie, a young architect who has paid a special visit to distinctive buildings along linong (lanes and alleys) near the Shanghai Exhibition Center, such as Simingcun, Mingdeli and Changde Apartment. Instead of attempting to replicate traditional commercial space, he “tried to break free from stereotypical patterns, and convert and integrate thickened walls, roads and neighborhood scale into the venue.”

Apart from a whole-new image, Showroom Shanghai, in partnership with Shanghai Fashion Week, positions itself as the official show. It is the hope of Showroom Shanghai to deepen cooperation with Shanghai Fashion Week, one of the most powerful platforms in China, to focus on local market.

POSTED ON : Sep 06, 2017

2016年10月14日晚8点,3个参加“时堂 Showroom Shanghai”展会的品牌,Black Spoon、Liang Xue,以及Lost General,于上海新天地时尚举办小型展示活动(presentation)。

这是上海时装周官方活动之外的独立展示,旨在加强时堂订货环节的品牌形象展示。小型展示活动,不同于时装秀,它形式更轻松,与观众的距离更近。Black Spoon与Lost General均有模特现场展示各自2017秋冬最新系列,Liang Xue则选择用静态展览的方式。时堂作为本次活动的主办方,第一次尝试,用更为轻便的presentation的方式,为有需要增加品牌形象展示环节的设计师品牌,提供增值服务。

这3个设计师品牌各具特色,与时装周主秀场的设计师与品牌气质不同。Black Spoon曾连续3次参加上海时装周发布,并获得一致好评,这次设计师白莫媞想用更为独立,更能完整表现自己品牌形象的方式来做一次实验;Liang Xue则担任Decoster-Men品牌设计师,拥有丰富的设计经验,这次她第一次用自己的名字创设品牌,对外发声,可以看到她在男女装领域成熟而又异质的独特表达;Lost General的创始人则为时堂的创始人之一,为中国第一代买手店TIPS的经验者尹家圣,他将自己在行业内的多年市场经验,与个人强烈的摇滚风格结合在一起,为市场带来一股充满力量的系列。


Showroom Shanghai will hold its 2017 Spring & Summer Fashion Show from October 16 to 19, 2016 at Xintiandi Style. Once again, Showroom Shanghai will stage this fashion show near the main venue of Shanghai Fashion Week to provide the much sought-after locations for interested brands.

The 2017 SS show will witness over 60 brands coming from Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Canada, US and UK, and among them most are local designer brands.

There will be 38 brands making their debut at this show, accounting for over half of all the brands. Compared with last year, the brands this year strike a more conspicuous tone of variety and dynamism, highlighting practicality and suitability for different occasions. Designers are more bent on articulating their ideas by mixing fabrics and alternating compositions in rather simple designs. Meanwhile, the prices of leading products see a slight decline, ranging from RMB 1,200 to 5,000. Co+Co by Coco Rocha founded by super model Coco Rocha is a good example. Fresh from its journey at New York Fashion Week, the brand has wasted no time to hurry to Showroom Shanghai, interpreting its idea of the “sport chic”.

This year, we have made a bold try to introduce more men’s fashion brands to the show, a gesture to address the issue of women’s fashion brands dominating previous sessions. We have partnered the GQ magazine, the firm advocate of men’s fashion brands in China, and invited Sankuanz, Sean Suen, Chuang Qu and Uma Wang to the show. With endorsement of the international perspective of GQ, we aim to explore the possibility of using retail terminals to promote men’s fashion brands, and showcase the talent of China’s pioneering men’s fashion designers to the clients and therefore boost their confidence.

During the last two years, Showroom Shanghai has gradually shifted its focus to further exploration of upstream and downstream industry chains and have, thus, curtailed its efforts in more superficial aspects. The statistics of April this year showed that the number of buyers accounted for 70% and exhibiting brands were able to add 3~10 new clients at each session. It’s fair to say that Showroom Shanghai has achieved the goal of attracting clients at an initial stage, and now moved towards improving performance-based KPI, as well as building reputation for itself and at the retail terminal. In the future, we plan to systematically sort out the retain terminals nationwide and do our homework to connect brands to thousands of buyer stores. We will help brands to develop their target clients and provide value-added services such as training &guidance at retail terminals. On top of all this, there will be concrete measures to take on the persistent issue of the agenda of Shanghai Fashion Week lagging behind the production cycle, and the need for bringing in pre-spring and pre-autumn series.

POSTED ON : Sep 06, 2017

2016年4月11日至15日, 时堂Showroom Shanghai 2016秋冬时装展依然会在与上海时周秀场一箭之遥的新里新天地正式对外开放。

2014年4月,时堂Showroom Shanghai横空出世,成为国内链接设计师、品牌与全国买手店的桥梁。短短两年来,随着上海的showroom呈几何数级爆发,但“时堂”依靠其卓越的表现,站稳上海showroom的第一品牌宝座。被三位创始人重新定义,从单纯设计师、品牌与零售终端的桥梁功能,过渡到了中国时装产业消费升级的助推器,呼应了李克强总理在政府工作报告中所提及的 “个性时尚”,“线上线下互动”,以及“推动实体商业创新转型”。因此,今年“时堂”最重要的发展在于其衍生企业的创立。时庄Stron作为时堂第一个面世的子企业,旨在品牌的各个阶段提供痛点解决方案。最基础的服务便是品牌的分销代理。从2015年春夏季开始“时堂”便负担起了Y’s Yohji Yamamoto的中国区分销代理业务,如今这一阵营已扩散到了多个品牌,其中包括颇受市场关注的Ms MIN,冉冉上升的Black Spoon,以及即将首次亮相于”时堂”展会的两匹黑马:设计师品牌A Tentative Atelier和设计品牌“里白”。此外,汇集Hermes经验与资金,与本土手工艺传统的“上下Shangxia”品牌也交由时庄来执行其全国分销代理。


而为了给“时堂”的客户们提供电子商务解决方案,即将在“时堂”展会期间正式上线网络销售平台。这一全新的电子商务模式,结合le “时堂”丰厚的买手店与品牌资源,以及来自net-a-porter的中国技术和运营团队的国际经验。许多高素质的店铺集合了国际国内许多优秀的品牌,却囿于经营地。2manyshop帮助优质的店铺和精选品牌,将他们的好货搬到网上,打破时间地域规制,面对全国各地的消费者。值此2manyshop上线的机会,BAN XIAOXUE、Black Spoon以及deepmoss品牌将会在2manyshop开辟品牌专区,走秀结束后,第一时间向消费者开启2016秋冬秀款的预订服务,以解消费者漫长等待之渴。而日本前卫男装品牌Number (N)ine也将在2016秋冬季重新复刻2006秋冬的经典秀款,并在2manyshop上接受消费者的预订。

Showroom Shanghai will hold its 2016 Autumn & Winter Fashion Show from April 11 to 15, 2016, again at Xinli Xintiandi, a stone’s throw from the venue of Shanghai Fashion Week.

The April of 2014 saw the birth of Showroom Shanghai, which has later become a hub linking domestic designers, brands and select shops nationwide. In a short span of just two years, the number of showrooms in Shanghai has exploded, but Showroom Shanghai still holds onto top spot with its enviable performance. After being redefined by its three founders, Showroom Shanghai has now evolved from a simple hub of designers, brands and retail terminals to a booster of consumption upgrade in Chinese fashion industry, echoing Premier Li Keqiang’s call for “individualistic fashion”, “online and offline interaction” as well as “accelerating entity commerce innovation and transformation” in the government work report.Thus, topping Showroom Shanghai’s agenda this year is the establishment of derivative businesses. As the first subsidiary of Showroom Shanghai, Stron commits itself to providing solutions to critical problems a brand faces at various stages. The most basic service is distribution agency. Since spring and summer in 2015, Showroom Shanghai has acted as a distributor for Y’s Yohji Yamamoto in China. This camp has now expanded to include multiple brands, including the attention-getting Ms MIN, the rising Black Spoon, and the two dark horses making their debut at this Showroom Shanghai show: designer brands A Tentative Atelier and LEON BRAND. In addition, Shangxia brand, combining rich experience and capital from Hermes with local craftsmanship tradition, will task Stron with its national distribution.   

Depending on which stage it is in, a brand may face different challenges. By maintaining a presence in production, Stron is well positioned to provide much sought-after support for cost reduction and quality improvement etc. For retail terminals at their own development levels throughout the country, Stron can meet their needs with consulting services, and for more professional retailers, it has one-stop solutions tailored for their specific problems.To provide e-commerce solutions for the customers of Showroom Shanghai,, a Web-based sales platform, will be launched during the Showroom Shanghai show. This brand new e-commerce model combines the advantage of ample select shops and brand resources of Showroom Shanghai with the international expertise of Chinese technical and operation team from net-a-porter. A great number of prominent shops that curate numerous outstanding international and domestic brands are handicapped by a limited operating space. 2manyshop is designed to help these shops and selected brands to show their goods online, thus removing time and space restrictions and appealing to consumers from every part of the country.

Taking advantage of this new 2manyshop, BAN XIAOXUE, Black Spoon and deepmoss will launch their own sections on the platform, accepting reservations for 2016 Autumn and Winter series immediately after the show. This should spare consumers from the otherwise lengthy wait. Besides, Number (N)ine, a vanguard Japanese male fashion brand, will duplicate their 2006 autumn and winter show featured collection during the 2016 autumn and winter season, and accept reservations from consumers via 2manyshop.

POSTED ON : Sep 06, 2017

2016年4月11日至15日, 时堂Showroom Shanghai 2016秋冬时装展依然会在与上海时周秀场一箭之遥的新里新天地正式对外开放。

2014年4月,时堂Showroom Shanghai横空出世,成为国内链接设计师、品牌与全国买手店的桥梁。短短两年来,随着上海的showroom呈几何数级爆发,但“时堂”依靠其卓越的表现,站稳上海showroom的第一品牌宝座。被三位创始人重新定义,从单纯设计师、品牌与零售终端的桥梁功能,过渡到了中国时装产业消费升级的助推器,呼应了李克强总理在政府工作报告中所提及的 “个性时尚”,“线上线下互动”,以及“推动实体商业创新转型”。 

因此,今年“时堂”最重要的发展在于其衍生企业的创立。时庄Stron作为时堂第一个面世的子企业,旨在品牌的各个阶段提供痛点解决方案。最基础的服务便是品牌的分销代理。从2015年春夏季开始“时堂”便负担起了Y’s Yohji Yamamoto的中国区分销代理业务,如今这一阵营已扩散到了多个品牌,其中包括颇受市场关注的Ms MIN,冉冉上升的Black Spoon,以及即将首次亮相于”时堂”展会的两匹黑马:设计师品牌A Tentative Atelier和设计品牌“里白”。此外,汇集Hermes经验与资金,与本土手工艺传统的“上下Shangxia”品牌也交由时庄来执行其全国分销代理。


而为了给“时堂”的客户们提供电子商务解决方案,即将在“时堂”展会期间正式上线网络销售平台。这一全新的电子商务模式,结合le “时堂”丰厚的买手店与品牌资源,以及来自net-a-porter的中国技术和运营团队的国际经验。许多高素质的店铺集合了国际国内许多优秀的品牌,却囿于经营地。2manyshop帮助优质的店铺和精选品牌,将他们的好货搬到网上,打破时间地域规制,面对全国各地的消费者。

From October 15th to 19th 2015, Showroom Shanghai 2016 Spring/Summer collections, the 4th session of Showroom Shanghai will open to the public at the fifth and sixth floor of THEHOUSE, Xintiandi.

The exhibiting brands are still the biggest highlights of this show. In addition to our loyal client Y’s Yohji Yamamoto, a number of locally renowned brands formed a powerful cohort, representing the elite class of Chinese designers. To name but a few, Fake Natoo, Neither Nor, Vmajor, Simon Gao, Injury, Matchbox, Black Spoon, Muse Handmade, rfactory… Among the long list of exhibiting brands, Number (N)ine, forced into closure as early as the autumn of 2009, announces its whirlwind return by reproducing its acclaimed collections.

We have always been devoted to building Showroom Shanghai into an international brand. Driven by this vision, we try our best to act as a full industry platform for designers from home and abroad and never cease our steps in the process of expanding and enriching. We set up the upstream to downstream arrangement in efforts to shape the chains of fashion industry. By joining hands with senior professionals and producers, a one-stop service platform was constructed to provide manufacturing and channels. Liberated from multifarious tasks, designers can exclusively concentrate on designing and brand image. Showroom Shanghai has also cooperated with an experienced e-commerce team to build a nation-wide online sales platform.

This is the fourth session of Showroom Shanghai. By deepening collaboration with international brands, international showrooms and agencies, Showroom Shanghai has become China’s top release and order-placing platform for independent domestic designers.

POSTED ON : Sep 06, 2017

2015年4月5日至15日,已经创立整1年的“时堂 Showroom Shanghai”将再度携手上海新天地,于旗下物业“企业天地3号”,举办设计师品牌2015秋冬时装展示活动。


国内品牌中,Banxiaoxue、Sankuanz、Fake Natoo、Vmajor、Nor、Simon Gao、R Factory等国内著名设计师品牌,都是连续参加3届时堂的实力品牌,代表了中国独立设计的最高水平;从2015春夏开始加入时堂的Ma by Ma、Black Spoon、Ware Zhang、M. Essential、Hui by Eran Hui、Awaylee、Muse Handmade等将再战江湖。一大批设计和产品都更成熟的国内新兴设计品牌也将第一次在时堂亮相。这也预示了,时堂将逐步增加“设计品牌”的比重,以满足市场对这个区间产品的饥渴。


On April 5-15, 2015, one-year-old Showroom Shanghai will stage its 3rd session event at Tower 3, Corporate Avenue, Shanghai. The event will be dedicated for 2015 autumn/winter collection.


The event begins by the international brand session from April 5th to 9th and followed by the domestic brand session from April 11th to 15th. Thanks to the efforts of the past year, Showroom Shanghai has become China’s top release and order-placing platform for independent domestic designers and buyers. From 2015 on, Showroom Shanghai will gradually increase the number of foreign brands and strengthen its cooperation with international showrooms and brokers.


As China’s most advanced fashion platform, Showroom Shanghai is committed to providing valuable service for fashion brands and retailers. In order to help with the growth of Chinese fashion designer brands and retailers, Showroom Shanghai has launched a program titled “Showroom Shanghai Fashion Public Welfare Fund for China” in 2015. With a view to cultivating China’s buying talents, the program offers two sessions of free buyer training each year. Besides, more designer assistance programs will be launched since the second half of this year.

POSTED ON : Sep 06, 2017

2014年10月19日至23日,“时堂 Showroom Shanghai”将在上海时尚地标新天地湖滨道购物中心举办第二届设计师品牌2015春夏系列的展示活动。整个活动为期5天,占地面积达3000平方米,吸引了超过70个国内外品牌,其中包括女装、男装和配饰。“时堂 Showroom Shanghai”作为中国第一家专业showroom,看重设计师品牌原创性、独特设计与市场可接受度的平衡性、品牌的商业可持续性等指标,在设计风格上的包容度较之第一届会更大。随着“时堂 Showroom Shanghai”规模和领域的扩大,一方面仍会坚持推广更多的中国独立设计师品牌,同时也会把更多的国际品牌带入中国市场。这次,Y’s Yohji Yamamoto品牌将第一次在中国市场公开面对买手和经销商。

除了Y’s的震撼登场外,设计师上官喆将在“时堂 Showroom Shanghai”首次展示其女装品牌Ze Studios;工艺难度与做工可与一线大牌比肩的本土男装品牌Skin Art Series,以及全手工制作的骷髅形包包品牌Muse Handmade都将通过这一平台首次向市场推出。由此可见,“时堂 Showroom Shanghai”不仅是个吸引大牌的平台,更是一个向本土市场,乃至全球市场推介高水准新人、新品牌的平台。这次活动突破了showroom仅仅联系设计师、品牌与买手、经销商、媒体的固定模式,特别增加了“厨房”版块,引入了时装产业链的各个环节,来为设计师做服务。“时堂”取谐音“食堂”,食客们看菜下单,但做菜的“厨房”却不为世人看到。这次“时堂”,吸引了提供3D配饰打印服务、时装生产解决方案供应商等周边服务面对设计师,更方便整个产业提升质量以及创新能力。尤其值得一提的是由“例外”品牌和方所的创始人毛继鸿与香港艺术家又一山人合作的品牌YMOYNOT也加入了“厨房”版块,将以开放的心态与各个有潜力的设计师开启未来的合作。

由此,第二届的“时堂 Showroom Shanghai”慢慢呈现出了其核心价值——通过提供覆盖品牌化营运各领域的服务,帮助独立设计师建立成功的时尚品牌,进而使之成为中国时装产业的创新引擎。

Dedicated for 2015 spring and summer collections, the 2nd session of Showroom Shanghai was held on Oct.19-23, 2014. Compared with the 1st session (2014 autumn and winter collection show), which was held in April of the same year, the 2nd session featured a greater number of participants, higher sales and more international involvement.

Different from the 1st session, which focused domestic brands, the 2nd session saw a greater number of foreign brands. More than 30 global brands, including Y’s Yohji Yamamoto, Made in Heaven, PPQ, and Ground Zero, and 4 international Showrooms participated in it. Yohji Yamamoto, especially, opened its first showroom outside of Paris and Tokyo in the past 40 years. More than a dozen famous buyers from the US and Japan showed up at the event, including American Rag, H Lorenzo and Via Bus Stop, and 7 of them placed orders with Chinese designers.

According to conservative statistics, the 2nd session of Showroom Shanghai witnessed a total order of RMB77-90 million, up by 175-221% over the order value RMB28 million witnessed at the 1st session. Y’s Yohji Yamamoto, BANXIAOXUE, KKtP, Simon Gao, Vmajor, Annakiki, Fake Natoo and Muse Handmade, among others, all did very well at the showroom.

POSTED ON : Aug 26, 2017

2014年4月13日至17日,正式宣布成立的“时堂 Showroom Shanghai”将在上海的时代豪庭举办第一届设计师品牌2014秋冬系列的展示活动。整个活动与上海时装周同期,为期5天。25个国内颇具影响力的设计师品牌参与了进来。

Showroom在国内还是新生事物,是时装业内遵循一年两季发布规律,帮助设计师品牌完成批发预订的机构。一般而言,showroom的举办时间皆为各大时装周期间。设计师在时装周上完成时装秀后,利用showroom空间接待来自世界各地的买手与媒体,方便业内人士近距离地观察货品,完成下一季的销售订单,堪称时装产业链中最核心的环节。“时堂 Showroom Shanghai”是中国第一家专业showroom,整合时装设计师、媒体、零售终端、国际买手、投资人等产业链条,顺应时代需求而生。

第一届“时堂 Showroom Shanghai”线下展示结束后,“线上showroom”也将按计划上线。它将最终发展成为全方位服务于独立设计师及品牌的综合性平台,而不局限于帮助设计师及品牌完成销售任务。对于更成熟的品牌,“时堂 Showroom Shanghai”亦将提供从资金、营销到零售终端的综合服务;对于有潜力的年轻设计师,“时堂 Showroom Shanghai”亦在准备扶持基金的项目,帮助他们渡过品牌生存的最初艰难期,甚至提供生产环节的解决方案。用创始人之一林剑的话来说:“独立设计师和品牌在中国,以前都是游击队,现在我们的出现,希望能帮助他们成为具有一定作战能力的正规军。”

在中国,随着本土独立时装设计10年的蓬勃发展,国际与本地买手对国内设计师的兴趣日隆,上海时装周亦固定成为国际时装界关注本土设计力量的重要窗口。但showroom却一直是空白,时装周仅有展示和发布的功能,缺乏最为重要的订货环节。“时堂 Showroom Shanghai”的出现将会对提升本土时装业专业程度,进一步走向国际,带来积极的重要影响。

The first session of Showroom Shanghai, which comes on April 13-17, 2014 coinciding with the fashion week of Shanghai, will be held at Shanghai Times Square Apartments. Influential designer brands from 25 countries will display 2014 autumn and winter collections in the showroom. Brands such as QIUHAO, BANXIAOXUE, YIFANG WAN and SANKUANZ will also be spotted on the stage of Shanghai Fashion Week. 

Following the showroom held at Shanghai Times Square Apartments, we will launch an online showroom program. Besides, the second session of Showroom Shanghai, which is expected to come this October, will witness more international brands and buyers.

We hereby sincerely invite all people of the fashion circle to our showroom. Please feel free to join us, no matter who you are, be it a brand designer looking for business opportunity, a buyer interested in 2014 autumn and winter collections, an department store or estate runner wishing to take over designers’ shops, a journalist concerned with original Chinese fashion design, an advertiser or PR expert seeking commercial cooperation, an investor interested in helping young entrepreneurs of the fashion sector or a college teacher or student engaged with study of fashion art. 

POSTED ON : Aug 31, 2020

10月10日至13日,时堂Showroom Shanghai将在上海展览中心西一馆再次与广大业内人士见面。时堂经历了上半年疫情的严峻形势后,首次呈现一个完整的2021春夏服装服饰展览,其规模恢复到了去年同期水平。




疫情加速了品牌的迭代更新,虽然时堂的展场面积已经恢复到了去年同期水平,但也依然无法满足所有申请参展品牌的需求。本次时尚首饰品牌的参展需求较往届增长了一倍。最后精选了23个,还有大量的品牌很遗憾地未能录入。而更多品牌也渐渐需要更私密的订货空间。因此,本届时堂设置了分会场。the cool hunter showroom与YOEYYOU品牌将在THE UNION by 时堂 Showroom Shanghai同期举办订货会。在不久的未来,时堂也会考虑以更多分会场的形式,来满足品牌差异化的订货需求。

In West-1 Hall of Shanghai Exhibition Center, Showroom Shanghai is to greet industry insiders from October 10th to 13th. Having survived the severe pandemic in the first half of the year, Showroom Shanghai will deliver a complete 2021 spring and summer clothing show that revitalizes the grandness same period last year. 

In this traditional season embracing loads of orders, more than 150 brands, 40% of which are new faces, will be showcased at the Showroom Shanghai 2021 Spring & Summer Show. Some brands, who were absent due to the Covid-19 pandemic in the first half of the year, will return as well. In addition, brands from France, Japan, China Taiwan and other countries and regions will rejoin Showroom Shanghai and meet merchandisers via various channels such as associations and domestic agencies. 

The epidemic has accelerated the iteration and renewal of brands. Although Showroom Shanghai has returned with an exhibition area comparable to that of last year, we are still incapable of meeting all applications for participation. The number of fashion jewelry brands seeking to participate in this show has doubled over the previous show. In the end, 23 brands were selected, while many other brands left with regret. In addition, an increased number of brands are asking for more private space for ordering. Therefore, a parallel session is set up. The Cool Hunter Showroom and YOEYYOU will organize a concurrent ordering conference at the UNION by Showroom Shanghai. In the near future, Showroom Shanghai will also take parallel sessions into account as a way to meet the differentiation demand of the brands. 

POSTED ON : Mar 01, 2021












作为时堂传统优势板块的fashion jewelry,也将移至序厅以及中央大厅二楼。品牌数量增至40个,增幅达48%。鞋包帽等配饰区也进一步整合扩大,全场品牌35个,增幅超过50%。









Showroom Shanghai 2021 AW: Return with even larger scale


Showroom Shanghai 2021 AW collection will be hosted at Shanghai Exhibition Center from April 9th to 12th, 2021,which is expanding year over year.

The upcoming Showroom Shanghai 2021 AW collection to be held from April 9th to 12th has embraced a series of new upgrades. Over the years, Showroom Shanghai has evolved at its own pace by making an upgrade every other year. Despite the interruptions of the COVID 19 pandemic in the previous year, we manage to follow our own pace and led the entire ecosystem to move ahead.


With this edition, we are taking advantage of the magnificent central hall of Shanghai Exhibition Center, and linking up the second floor of the West Hall 1 and East Hall 1. Coving more than 12,000 square meters, the total exhibition area is 70% larger than before. The three exhibition halls are connected in a line, with the central hall as the axis, and West Hall 1 and East Hall 1 spreading out like two huge wings to embrace the huge number of buyers and industry professionals.


The main highlight is the sunken central hall that we use for exhibition for the first time. Here we’ll present key players of the industry, with a large commercial volume. With more open space, it will help these brands fully display their brand image and create a new offline retail landscape.  

Fashion jewelry, which represents the traditional edge of Showroom Shanghai, will also be moved to the lobby and the second floor of the central hall. The number of brands has reached 40, an increase of 48%. Accessories areas such as shoes, bags and hats also expanded, showcasing 35 brands, an increase of more than 50%.

Even if the exhibition area is expanded by 70%, with substantially increased number of accessory brands, the area available for apparel brands are far less than enough. More than 520 brands applied for the exhibition, but only 190 selected brands finally made it to the show. The percentage of new brands is 30%, slightly lower than our expectation. Our area expansion has not been able to keep up with the growth of demand of brands. It’s a pity to miss many high-quality new brands, but it’s also a pleasure to see so many old friends expanding just like us.  

With the expansion and upgrade, we also further optimized the environment for visitors. We will increase the width of passages and add two entrances to the exhibition hall. In addition to the familiar entrance of the West Hall 1, we will also open the entrance of East Hall 1 and the main entrance leading directly to the central hall. Since the show gathers more brands, with more intensive business negotiation schedule, these improvements make it easy for visitors from all over the world to quickly reach the target exhibition area, which improves browsing efficiency. Your efficiency is our mission.

Finally, we wish you all a rewarding experience at our newly upgraded tradeshow.

Our slogan: Business and design go hand-in-hand and always strive for the best!