2023-10-09 - 2023-10-12
ADDRESS:Shanghai Exhibition Center , No.1000, Middle Yan'an Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai 上海市静安区延安中路1000号 上海展览中心


10月9日-12日,时堂 Showroom Shanghai将在上海展览中心举办2024春夏订货会。这也是我们的第10个春夏订货会。









西班牙国宝级牛仔品牌LOIS,以其独特的牛仔面料,以及极好的性价比强势进入国内,也是本次时堂必看亮点。此外,总部位于巴黎的AMF SHOWROOM 以及CHIC SHOWROOM & BOUTIQUE也携一众服装配饰品牌前来参展。日本皮革协会JLIA也将在时堂呈现近10个匠心独具的日本品牌。



新中式风格今年以来有爆发的趋势,不少品牌突破了传统的桎梏,用各自的设计语言来呈现国风精神。除了时堂原本最具代表性的密扇外,本次我们精选了CRANE SING、㯥CAOXI囍、汉桃花 Han Tao Hua、榮RONG等数个新中式品牌,相信会是各大品台中,实力最强的组合了。



在低迷的市场环境下,我们得以看到简约风扑面而来的繁荣。优雅隽永的色彩、柔软内省的质地,借以高品质的面料重新定义女性力量。在上半年度大放异彩的ACHRONIE、AMOUTUM、APARALLEL、MAO BY MAO、NIAPARKA等品牌组成了我们豪华的简约风品牌阵容,不容错过。这也反映了市场日益回归理性的重大变化。



作为时堂羊绒品牌的扛把子,CHAU·RISING洲升加大了春夏系列的比例,朝着全品类的方向日臻圆熟。而首次在时堂亮相的D.MARTINA QUEEN品牌,其设计师丁洁是冬奥会开闭幕式总导演张艺谋钦点的服装设计师。去年斩获中国国际时装周最佳男装设计师的FACEONLAB今日青年是来炸场的。创立于伦敦的男装品牌CONSISTENCE也将在本届时堂展上首推女装系列。兼具嬉皮风格和vintage精神的AnOTHER MUSE多缪也曾获上海时装周的最具商业潜质奖,积淀数季后,将在时堂走出商业化的坚实一步。








Showroom Shanghai will be hosting the 2024 S/S Fair at the Shanghai Exhibition Center from October 9th to 12th, which will also mark the 10th anniversary of the fair. 


We started as an independent designer brand 10 years ago, and later reoriented as a group of “commercial designer brands” alongside the development and changes of the market. On the one hand, we encourage designers to develop towards commercialization; on the other hand, we provide a platform for updating and upgrading of many commercialized brands. Over the past decade, we have also witnessed the ups and downs of the market. Although retail sector remains gloomy recently, the long-term upward trend for fashion industry will continue as long as they develop along the path of branding.


For this fair, we will maintain the previous size, with a central hall plus the east and west pavilions covering more than 13,000 square meters. There will be nearly 200 brands, of which new ones account for nearly 35%. Amidst the harsh environment of the retail sector, what remains unchanged is that Showroom Shanghai will offer a glimpse of domestic designer brands with rich levels and diverse styles;what will be changed is the substantial improvement in the brands’ ability to tell stories.


Here is a brief summary of the four major trends of the brand portfolio.


1. Overseas Brands Flood in

CURIEL, an Italian high-end fashion brand with a history of nearly 120 years, has opened 25 stores across China, featuring premium little black dresses. The highest monthly sales of a single store exceed 3 million yuan, which makes it a particularly eye-catching overseas brandin recent years. This year, CURIEL restarted its wholesale business globally. We are also honored to be the first platform for CURIEL in China.


Spanish denim brand LOIS, a national treasure, has entered China with its unique denim fabrics and excellent cost effectiveness and become a must-see highlight of this event. In addition, Paris-based AMF SHOWROOM and CHIC SHOWROOM & BOUTIQUE will also be present with a number of fashion and accessories brands. The Japan Leather and Leather Goods Industries Association (JLIA) will also reveal nearly 10 unique Japanese brands at the Showroom Shanghai fair.


2. New Chinese Style Emerges

The new Chinese style has become a hit this year, as many brands have gone beyond traditions and presented the spirit of the national stylein their own design languages. In addition to its most representative brand Mukzin, Showroom Shanghai has also selected several brands of new Chinese style, such as CRANE SING, CAOXI, Han Tao Hua, and RONG, representing the strongest portfolio on major platforms. 


3. Minimalism Still in Vogue 

In a sluggish market, the prosperity of minimalism is evident. Elegant and timeless colors, soft and subtle textures, and high-quality fabrics redefine female power. Brands such as ACHRONIE, AMOUTUM, APARALLEL, MAO BY MAO, and NIAPARKA that shined in the first half of the year form our luxurious lineup of minimalist brands that should not be missed. This also reflects a major change -- the market’s increasing return to rationality.


4. Independent Designers Mature

As a leading cashmere brand of Showroom Shanghai, CHAU·RISING has increased the proportion of its spring and summer collection and is pushing towards a full range. As for D.MARTINA QUEEN, a brand to debut in Showroom Shanghai, its designer Ding Jie was the costume designer appointed by Zhang Yimou who oversaw the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2022 Winter Olympics. FACEONLAB, winner of the Best Menswear Designer at China Fashion Week last year, will be present to steal the spotlight. CONSISTENCE, a menswear brand founded in London, will also debut its women’s collection. AnOTHER MUSE, which combines the hippie style with a vintage spirit, is also a winner of the Commercial Potential Award at Shanghai Fashion Week. After several seasons of accumulation, it will take a solid step towards commercialization in Showroom Shanghai.


We are also redefining the brand spirit of Showroom Shanghai step by step through changes in exhibition curation and visual image.


“Heteroglossia” can be used to capture the selections of Showroom Shanghai. We are committed to presenting heterogenic diversity and cultural symbiosis in our industry. Every unique emerging brand can find a voice here. In terms of visual image, we highlight “heteroglossia”. The extensive use of mirrors allows every guest who visits the fair to be part of our visual image, and allows every wonderful practitioner to participate in the creation of “heteroglossia” and the dissolution of authority.


Meanwhile, the curved mirror installations with a strong post-modern feel and a series of spatial deconstruction and innovation are also quietly taking place, offsetting the solemnity and heaviness of the historic Shanghai Exhibition Center. This also demonstrates our proposition in the process of reshaping the Chinese fashion market -- we are taking a unique path with local characteristics in the fashion context defined by the West. We will gradually unveil the upgrading and transformation of Showroom Shanghai in the subsequent major exhibitions.