
美籍韩裔设计师JOOMi LiM,经过多年的时尚领域工作经验和对珠宝设计的执着喜爱,2009年创立同名品牌。

JOOMi LiM的珠宝饰品,将富有魅力的迷幻摇滚朋克风与女性的柔美感性相遇相融,锐利尖锥和几何金属构件与优雅的珍珠和华丽的水晶相结合,在矛盾中实现完美平衡。其独具一格的风貌,使其迅速成名,拥趸众多。

“Pre-organized chaos”是JOOMi LiM的核心设计理念,看似是繁复迷乱的设计,实则是精心构想,巧思编排的成果。

JOOMi LiM总能保持自己独一无二的设计风格,带你解锁成为焦点的秘诀,发掘不一样的自己,感受平庸到璀璨的奇迹蜕变。

目前JOOMi LiM已经拥有Cate Blanchett、Rihanna、Lady gaga、Jessica Alba、周迅、李宇春、周冬雨等众多国内外明星好友选其作为配饰搭配,未来JOOMi LiM希望能够引领更多时尚女性找到适合自己的首饰单品。


Brand story


After her years of experience in fashion industry and devotion for jewelry design, the Korean American designer JOOMI LIM launched her eponymous jewelry brand in 2009.


JOOMI LIM jewelry strikes a perfect balance, between seemingly opposing elements, blending glamorous psychedelic rock punk and feminine tenderness and sensibility, merging edgy spikes and geometric metallic elements with elegant pearls and glam crystals. With its one-of-a-kind style, the brand quickly made its mark and became a highly seek after.


Pre-organized chaos is the core of JOOMI LIM’s design. Seemingly complex and jumbled designs are actually the fruits of elaborate conception and ingenuous orchestration.


JOOMI LIM is always able to stay authentic to her own unique design style, deciphering the secret code of being in the spotlight, letting you discover a different self, while living a miraculous metamorphosis from average to resplendent.


JOOMI LIM has till now garnered a strong international following, among which we can find celebrities like Cate Blanchett, Rihanna, Lady Gaga, Jessica Alba, Zhou Xun, Li Yuchun, Zhou Dongyu who have chosen the brand for jewelry accessories. JOOMI LIM hope to lead more and more fashion lovers to find jewelry pieces that fit them the best.