Nathalie Chaize trained her eye with purity at the architecture school and youth in Africa gave her sense of color, the combination of these two elements shaped her fashion. For about thirty years Nathalie Chaize draws a timeless fashion, womanly, resolutely modern, rock chic. She draws her prints according to her travels, developed to fit all forms. They are unique and are made by French and Italian printers, masters in the field. Her unicolor models are associated to complete a range of color that finds its meaning and harmony once gathered in her shops. In Paris and Lyon her universe is declined in spaces that look like her where she presents all her creations in fashion, decoration, design… Warmhearted and culture woman with multiple commitments, her collections are distributed in more than 100 points of sale in France and abroad. Further on !

Nathalie Chaize曾就读于建筑学校,因而具有纯正的眼光。幼年时在非洲的生活经历,也让她对于色彩非常敏锐。这两项自身优势成就了她对于时尚的解读。30年来,Nathalie Chaize呈现了具有女人味,坚定现代感以及摇滚时髦感的永久性时尚。她从自己的旅行中不断汲取灵感,设计花样,开发出各种形式。这些设计稿都是独一无二的,并且都有法国以及意大利的印刷领域的制作大师进行制图。一旦被陈列到店铺中,她的各个单色作品就可以有关联地汇集到一起形成一个完整的色彩系列并呈现其应有的意义,毫无违和感。在巴黎和里昂,Nathalie Chaize的设计作品被运用在不同空间,在时尚,装饰和设计方面都有她的作品呈现。作为一名热心而又文艺的多元化女性,她的设计系列在法国及海外超过100个网点有售,更多内容请登录浏览