“Azrael.YM”是由中国本土设计师杨湄成立的一个年轻自我的设计师品牌。旗下拥有杨湄(Azrael.YM)和徐慕慧(Anaelle Xu)两位主设计师,他们拥有着多元化而与众不同的生活背景,更是在传统的法式风格熏陶中寻找突破。法式设计的浪漫中带着一丝性感与戏剧化的色彩,呈现独有的设计理念,更加完美融合了每一位设计师独有的风格。在浪漫与戏剧化、柔软与力感、设计与舒适中寻找共存的平衡。“Azrael.YM“尊重传统的服装文化及工艺,更擅长运用不同细节、面料、工艺和剪裁来阐述我们的品牌理念【Be Unique Be Different Be An Artist】。我们在传统中寻求新的突破和趣味,来实现像大师的作品一样无暇的高级成衣。更在2016年拥有了同名高级定制品牌,完美结合传统与现代的高级定制工艺,更自我研发型工艺,设计出独一无二的“Azrael .YM”风格。
"Azrael.YM" was found by the Chinese designer Azrael Yang. Azrael.YM designers have different life backgrounds and the brand is very inspired by the French style. Our designs are all about the balance between romantic and dramatic, fragility and strength, youthfulness and confidence. We pay attention to the original spirit of the design. On the one hand Azrael.YM is enjoying the traditional way of making clothes and on the other hand we are using different design techniques and draping to add some fun to the tailoring and shapes, espycially for our haute couture. We also do bespoke garments with impeccable finish, masterpiece garments. Azrael.YM is not only focusing on Asian markets, but is also expanding on the European market. “Azrael.YM” is already selling in multiple stores and has also been selected to participate in Beijing mercedes fashion week(2016AW 2017SS and 2017AW).