Neither Nor
Neither Nor ,“ 既不,也不 ” ,可以意会成是一种对时装词汇各种可能性和边界交集处的探索,也可以理解作时装圈既定规则程式的玩味和调侃。Neither Nor试图打破所有既定的风格,致力于通过独特的色彩感知,集合极简、优雅与轻运动的不一样的时尚品味,混合各种可能性进而创造一种真正属于当代都市女性的全新表达。
Neither Nor, can be perceived as an exploration of the possibilities and the border intersections of the fashion vocabulary, as well as the playfulness and ridicule of the established formulas of the fashion insiders. Neither Nor tries to break through all the established styles and devotes itself to creating a new touch that is different fashion sensibility gathering minimalist, elegance with a sportswear approach, which belongs to contemporary urban women.