CAMPOMAGGI 旨在用自己设计的产品唤醒人们沉睡的记忆,也陪伴人们去经历未来时光的磨砺。CAMPOMAGGI相信人类的生活哲学是相通的,认真记录自己的人生领悟,悉心体会人们的情感述求,无比巧妙地沁入产品外观和细节设计之中,总有一款会让你感到似曾相识,会引领你去追溯过往,会带你回到心中的Teodorano城堡,因为这些创作全部源自设计师的心底,浸润着对生活的热爱、对故乡的眷念、对梦想的渴求。

The Campomaggi brand was born in 1980 as a collection of unique, unrepeatable, handmade handbags with a used look.Bags which do not get old after one season, but acquire value as time goes by.Marco Campomaggi thinks, dreams and designs collections of handbags, in which the ancient of art of treating leather is combined with Italian creativity, perfection and unparalled care in craftsmanship.