LANBING CHOW为中国设计师皮具配饰品牌,创立于2016年,品牌以极简主义为创作核心,灵感多源于都市建筑及现代艺术。设计多运用建筑几何形态,线条简洁利落,注重细节创意与趣味性,造型大气新颖,打破传统造型的枯燥单一形式,结合设计多变的创意元素运用其中,注重设计的实用性及装饰性。专为干练及个性的气质女性设计。原材料均采用欧洲进口皮料,具备国际一线品牌的工艺及品质保证。

LANBING CHOW,Chinese designer leather accessory brand, founded in 2016, the brand is driven by minimalism as the core philosophy. Inspired by urban architecture and modern art, the design is mostly applying the architectural geometry, simple and neat lines, highlighting by the creative and interesting details, chic and stylish, breaking the traditional single and bored shape, combined with the innovative elements into the design, practical and decorative. The design dedicated to modern independent females with own personality. All leathers are imported from Europe, international high-end level guaranteed in craftsmanship and quality.