SYNDRO 成立于 2013 年,致力传达品牌的服饰哲学:「一件好的衣服应该让人不断想要穿着,而且在不断穿着后越来越有味道。」以这样的出发点,设计师王心伟 Shinway特别着墨服装与人的各方面连结,讲究剪裁、用料与缝制工艺,穿上 SYNDRO 总能感受到每一处细微的设计与散发的气质。
Established in 2013, SYNDRO keeps presenting the brand’s philosophy:
“SYNDRO clothes have souls, which make them suit not only your body but your identity.”Brand director Shinway studies the connection between men and clothing, and focuses on the cutting, material and sewing techniques which allow you to taste every detail, and make you feel like the cloth you wear is made only for you.