Constance Tsui

CONSTANCE TSUI是创意总监Davidson Tsui 2013年在上海创立的女装品牌。品牌以Davidson女儿的名字命名,奠定了“充满爱,传递爱”的品牌DNA。创立属于自己的、并根植于中国本土的高级时装品牌,则是Davidson一直以来所坚持的理想。从2013年回上海创建自己的工作室、推出了第一个2013秋冬系列,Davidson所表现的根植本土的决心及其国际视野和工作经历所带来的作品成熟度,就令人印象深刻。运用精致的真丝、羊绒等天然素材与各种实验性的新型面料,共同经营柔美与力量兼具的立体廓形;追溯古老而讲究的手工衬里制作工艺,用十几道工序悉心缝制经久而不会变形的、标识性的西装外套;以最简洁的线条、和对制版师传统知识颠覆性的制版探索,让时髦风格与低调简约共存。设计师想要传递的,正是以他自己这份对时装的热爱、专精,打造出的富于情感、并能留住时间的衣衫。

By the end of 2012, Davidson and Cecilia have set this Brand named after their daughter’s name CONSTANCE TSUI and it has separated into two parts: women and kids (CONSTANCE KIDS). Within this four years time, the brand has three Boutiques which local at SHANGHAI and HANGZHOU. The product from CONSTANCE TSUI has always concentrated on the shape, using traditional hand skills, developing new techniques to create a modern looks. And our kids line CONSTANCE KIDS is a continuing from the women. It has involved all the ideas from the main line and redeveloped and design which are suitable for all kids from 3yrs to 11yrs.