WANGDERLAND 是由设计师 Eric Wang 和 姐姐 Lareina Wang 于2015年在上海创立的设计师品牌。品牌名取意于“wonderland”(仙境),旨在为消费者打造一个充满趣味的仙境。而拥有多年自主设计经验的95后配饰设计师Eric Wang,现就读于法国巴黎高级时装设计学院时装配饰专业。曾在 ISTITUTO MARANGONI 进行时装设计领域的学习,有着丰富的时尚教育背景。对配饰设计有自己独特理理解的同时对多元素,材质的综合运用有着很强的专业性和创新力。从2012年年起,在时尚行业积累了丰富的工作经验,从原型雕塑艺术家到时尚设计师,从设计总监到创立个人独立设计师品牌,多年的专业积累充分体现在WANGDERLAND的每一件作品中,造就了WANGDERLAND 配饰品牌极具辨识度的设计风格。

WANGDERLAND is a fashion designer brand established by young designer Eric Wang and his older sister Lareina Wang in 2015.The brand“WANGDERLAND”integrates the connotation entrusted by the word“WANGDERLAND”and the designers surname “Wang”.This brand is located in Shanghai-China’s fashion capital which injects fashion and avant-garde gene into the brand.Every single prototype is developed jointly together with well-known national sculptor and is carved by hand;every product is created with heart-felt diligence.