The One

The One 设计师Ming 曾就职于国内多家知名服装品牌,经过多年的商业洗礼,于2016年初创立设计品牌 The One. TheOne 意为“独一无二、就是这个”的含义,追求真正的自由、时尚、舒适的生活方式,TheOne 兼具时尚、休闲、街头于一体的混搭风格。融合夸张的比例与传统材质、平面与立体裁剪、新材质与经典设计,追求设计的平衡感。The One 用心的设计意在衬托出每个着衣者的个性气质。

In early 2016, Ming launched the brand The One.The One has made a clear statement right from the start: being it, being the unique one.The brand aims to establish its unique lifestyle through the pursuit of freedom, comfort and freshness in life; it offers a charming blend of high-end trendy, daily casual and street fashion.