looks co11ect
looks co11ect 品牌风格把中西时尚元素和街头运动风潮混合达到了极致,设计师采用经典针织材质并以提花面料来进行色块的拼接和同色系深浅对比,即使运用中国风锦缎与刺绣也有着强烈的视觉冲击力,在线条剪裁上更注重廓形的表达,大廓形充满运动前卫风,细节的独特都展现了年轻人个性的反叛与挣脱束缚的渴望!
Liu likes mixing Chinese element with street hip pop styles extremely. He likes using c lassic knitted material with Jacquard fabric, very shinning with dark, Chinese brocade with embroidery. Matching some sport idea , make the shape and curves very perfectly, very focus the detail. It makes everything very strong visual impact. Total collection will show you what is personality of young guy and free of desire.