DOZOH品牌由男装设计师DO JO创立。X=O品牌徽章,也暗含设计师DO JO的名字,其内涵为“答案无处可寻”,体现DOZOH的设计哲学:自由挥洒,不受固有陈规拘束。品牌设计基于扭曲变形的概念。以未来主义重新诠释事物,强调设计的细节。并通过色彩和材质的巧妙混搭打造别致优雅的独特风格。

DOZOH is a label created by menswear designer DO JO, who graduated London College of Fashion majoring in menswear, based on concept of distortion.DOZOH reinterprets an object in futuristic manner with emphasizing details of the design.DOZOH also suggest chic and unique look through mixture of colours and materials.X=O emblem, which also signifies designer Do Jo’s name, It means that ‘The answer is Nowhere.’ implying DOZOH’s philosophy of developing autonomy in design, not bound to existing routines.