VEECO ZHAO 致力于新理念的高端服饰,追求人与衣服的契合。呈现女性经历岁月的蜕变与成长,并还原女性不变的初衷和自我,在变与不变之间寻找平衡,寻找女孩向女人过度与转化过程中的内在联系与变化。设计师Veeco由于祖辈影响,自小便对女性服饰的剪裁产生了浓厚的兴趣。远赴欧洲研习时装设计,更是深受欧洲传统制衣行业对细节和版型追求的影响,关注女装的线条,比例和平衡和轮廓。LOGO的设计好似女性的完美扇形背脊,又似古代女性束身衣的系带,透露了设计师对展现女性柔美身姿的艺术追求。

VEECO ZHAO is a high-end fashion brand pursuing the harmony between the wearer and clothes. It focuses on the proportion and shape of the human body, using clothes to express the evolution and growth of the wearer. VEECO ZHAO interprets the unchangeable true color of its wearer and strives for a balance between change and non-change, exploring the interconnection between and the change experienced by the wearer when she grows from a girl to a woman.