HIRTEENLAB 由独立设计师叶飞彤 YEPEZ 于2013年在深圳创立。品牌名中的“LAB”除了是实验室,亦是“Like A Bird”-像只飞鸟的英文缩写。THIRTEENLAB 的产品以平衡中性且不丢失女性美的设计风格特征出发,通过造型搭配赋予穿着者独立、自主、叛逆且不知者无畏,就像飞鸟一样自由翱翔的风格形象。我们不断探索全新的时尚方式,品牌以黑白橙为基调,通过卓越的高质量面料和大胆利落的剪裁,配合独特的美学角度,精心设计每一个系列。同时,THIRTEENLAB 希望通过紧扣每一季主题的理念,带出“Lemonade out of lemons”这一品牌精神。呼吁独立女性在当代社会的压力下,懂得以苦中作乐的心态,积极、乐观的享受人生。

THIRTEENLAB has a style infusing feminine beauty to the balanced neutrality, expressing the independent, unconventional and fearless character of its wearer through the style and matching, like a free bird flying on the vast sky. It also embodies the spirit of the “Lemonade out of lemons” brand, calling for modern women to enjoy life with an optimistic mindset under the pressure imposed by the modern society.