喬JO QIAO DING 成立于2011年,是由丁又乔创立的设计师品牌。主要针对25-40岁,对时尚有独特理解的女性。目前喬JO QIAO DING 品牌已进入全国各大城市,并快速发展。喬 JO QIAO DING 坚持选用天然面料,崇尚自然、舒适、多变,尊重个体特质;服装款式年轻、轻松、时尚,以设计衬托出穿着者原有及潜在的个性魅力。

Upholding the qualities of nature, comfort, diversity and individuality, 喬 JO QIAO DIN samples only natural fabrics to make youthful, casual and stylish garments that enhance the personal charm of the wearer. “Light Chinese, Casual Lifestyle” is always the concept and style for the brand. The brand designer, Jo Qiao Din, wishes to communicate the traditional Chinese culture to a broader range of people, so that they can understand, and then love, and consequently live up to it. The beauty of traditional Chinese culture is to be rediscovered.