Arte pratica源自意大利语里的词汇“艺术”和“实践”。实用的艺术感着装主义是品牌的核心理念。




Arte pratica希望衣装是一束照拂身体的光,能点亮身体,取悦自己。


Arte pratica善于将各种面料特性发挥至致,是一个深耕面料行业的专家在2022年秋天创立于上海的设计师品牌。对自然舒适的向往,使我们更依赖“合适”亦有质感的面料:长绒棉、亚麻、真丝、羊绒、醋酸。这些天然素材所恩赐的亲和感,让穿着者内心松弛,能更多地关注当下,本身,从而进退有度,进而力量驰骋。面料天然且质优,结合张弛有度,松紧相宜的版型,成为一件衣装强健的躯干,去支持穿着者拥有稳定的内心秩序。而品牌为女性所呈现的“艺术感着装”的概念,是设计师从雕塑,建筑,电影等艺术作品中所汲取的灵感养分,渗透在每块精挑细选的面料里,每个诗意灵动的细节间。









Arte pratica is derived from the Italian words "art" and "practice". Practical, artistic dressing is at

the heart of the brand's philosophy.


"I'm excited by the idea of a proper, quality fabric that brings the design back to its original purpose." --With 20 years’ deep understanding of the properties of fabrics and the pursuit of poetic life, Arte pratica’s owner-principal insists on helping urban women to find the essence of dressing.


Arte pratica hopes that clothing is a beam of light that illuminates the body and pleases oneself.


Arte pratica is a designer brand founded in Shanghai in the fall of 2022 by an expert in the fabric industry, who is adept at bringing out the best in all kinds of fabrics. The desire for natural comfort has led us to rely on fabrics that "fit" and have texture: long-staple cotton, linen, silk, cashmere, acetate. These natural materials provide a sense of affinity, allowing the wearer to relax and pay more attention to the present moment, itself, so as to move forward and backward, and then the power to run. The natural and high quality of the fabric, combined with the elasticity and tightness of the fit, becomes the strong torso of a garment, supporting the wearer to have a stable inner order. The concept of "artful dressing" presented by the brand for women is inspired by sculpture, architecture, film and other works of art, which is permeated in each piece of carefully selected fabrics and poetic details.


The inner self-sufficiency of the designer's work is reflected in each piece of fabric and every poetic detail. Those women who are labeled as "ordinary" are irreplaceable works of art in their own existence, never stop shining.