品牌2021年成立于上海,RELATIVO ESTÁTICO在西班牙语中意为相对静止,灵感源于在稳定中理解事物的多样性。设计专注于探索存在于哲学与美学的二元性,即万物皆是相对的。






The brand was established in Shanghai in 2021. RELATIVO ESTÁTICO means relatively static in Spanish. Inspired by the duality in philosophy and aesthetics, namely, things are relative, the brand comprehends diversity through stability.


The design languages attach the abstract concept of seeking the rationalization of the paradox to the level of clothing details through the dynamic curves and sharp lines reconcile the opposites, and the asymmetric structure breaks the balance. The presentation of deconstructed form with textured materials embodies visual conflict and symbiosis.


With a sharp and avant-garde appearance, grasp the delicate emotional connotation, enlarge the romanticism characteristics through the critical point of balance and imbalance. The brand creates a vague sense of mystery and derives the beauty of strength and exquisite.