dtourlab,可以翻译为多维漫游实验室,是dimensional tour lab的缩写。
专注于解构、重组跨越时空的文化艺术元素,打造fusion accessories(融合配饰)的设计师配饰品牌。
创始人chunjin li于美国宾夕法尼亚大学取得景观建筑硕士学位;纽约工作期间在帕森斯设计学院辅修时装设计;在美国旧金山创立了dtourlab。
dtourlab is a designer accessory brand that is dedicated to on deconstructing and recombining cultural and artistic elements that span across time and space to create fusion accessories.
chunjin li, the founder, graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a master's degree in landscape architecture; minored in fashion design at Parsons School of Design while working in New York; founded dtourlab in San Francisco.
Due to chunjin's love for architecture, dtourlab's original metal components pay homage to masterpieces in architectural history. The brand hopes to incorporate love for architecture and art into accessory design, creating more possibilities through an infinite interweaving of time and space.