ACHRONE 坚持东方禅学里的精神内核,探索新中式与欧洲时装艺术碰撞的艺术风格,对色彩及材质精雕细琢的同时简化线条,借以精良剪裁和天然面料,制作经过时间审视的设计,让不同女性的内在力量与躯千之美在时装中自然散发。Continue yourself,自由绽放本我之美。
ACHRONIE holds the spiritual core of oriental Zen, exploring the collision's artistic style between the new Chinese style and European fashion and art. Carefully crafts the colors and materials while simplifying the lines and uses excellent tailoring and natural fabrics to produce designs that have passed the scrutiny of time. Women's inner strength and physical beauty are naturally exuded in fashion. ACHRONIE, freely bloom your beauty.