03AM 柃參
03AM起源于历史、人文、艺术经历过的逆境所带来的自我解放。品牌名03不仅仅意味着解放过程中的三个A:ACCEPT(接纳), APPRECIATE(欣赏), AWAKEN(觉醒), 更象征《道德经》中提到的“三生万物”,即是由两个对立的方面相互矛盾冲突所产生的第三者,进而生成万物。没有绝对的光明与黑暗,而三就是明暗共存的一种状态。
03AM is originated by the self-emancipation from past traumatic events. 3A represents ACCEPT, APPRECIATE and AWAKEN in the emancipation process. The brand wishes to set an example and demonstrate the beauty of embracement. An era where the existence of flaws and imperfections is recognized, embraced, and more importantly, appreciated.
The brand sees the number “3” as a point of transition, holding the power of changes. Taking “Three produced All things” from《Dao De Jing》, the collision between two opposing forces creates a third state, where there is no definite bright or darkness, but the two coexist. 03AM takes eclecticism approach for its design, mixing up different fabrics, colors and shapes; blending what seem random mix and match, and make them work in harmony. Each collection is inspired by a “hard time” in life, hoping to provoke the deeper meaning from a rather depressed period of time.
The “M” in 03AM stands for MEMBER, in which the brand aspires to strengthen the ability to coexist, as independent individuals, during the journey of self-recognition and appreciation. With love, 03AM seeks to bring consolations to the world; and encourages breakthroughs from periods of difficult times.