[JOX](意为Join the “X” World),“X”是一个内涵丰富的字母符号,“X”是一个未知数,“X”的世界代表着无限可能,代表“理想状态”与“希望”;“X”在社会学界表示“完美”;“X”也代表着crossover,代表“合作”与“组合”,“X”充满科技感,也是“极致”、“顶峰”、“前沿”的代表。“X”的世界是一个玩味十足并且充满变化的趣味空间。

In the brand [JOX] ( Join the "X" World), "X" is an alphabetic symbol, full of rich connotations. "X" is also an unknown quantity and stands for the infinite possibilities. It represents ideal state and hope in the World of "X". Besides, "X" means "perfection" in sociology and it is also a symbol of crossover which means "cooperation" and "combination". "X" is filled with sense of science and technology, symbolizing "perfection", "peak" and "advancing front". Moreover, the world of "X" is an intricate space, full of changes and interests.  


JOX is a jewelry brand that integrates design into the individual consciousness and the spiritual world of each person. In an experimental way, it explores more possibilities between the consciousness dimension and the real world, between the independent personality and the external expression.  

“X”是JOX品牌的精神内核与表现载体,X=每个独特而有趣的灵魂。[JOX] 通过可拆卸重组的饰品组件,根据每个人的创意与喜好,组成独一无二的个性化饰品。 [JOX]以现代饰品为载体,表达自我,也吸引着同样欣赏独立个性、抱有好奇心、想象力的每个个体。

"X" is the spiritual core and expression carrier of JOX brand, and X is an unique and interesting soul. Out of each person's originality and preferences, [JOX] creates a unique personalized jewelry by detaching and recombining the jewelry components. With modern ornaments as the carrier, [JOX] expresses ourselves and also attracts each individual who can appreciate independent personality and also has a sense of curiosity and imagination.