创始人Anna与Lars夫妇于2013年在传说中有水怪出没的英国尼斯湖畔创立ANNA LOCH轻奢手袋品牌,俩人灵犀相通,志趣相投。品牌Loch一词便取自“湖湾”之意 ,东西方结合是品牌的血统及特色。

ANNA LOCH 坚持经典与艺术两大系列,设计灵感来源于复古风格,但又赋予新鲜和现代的外观设计及感觉; 时尚,艺术与生活相结合是ANNA LOCH的设计理念,在品牌中注入艺术元素,打造成一件独特的可以随身携带的艺术品!


In 2013 during a trip in the beautiful heartland of Scotland, designer Anna was so inspired and fascinated by the legends that surrounds every lake. After her return to Asia, and with the help of her husband Lars, they built their own handbag atelier. The dream and ideas materialised and the name Anna Loch was born. The original idea for naming the brand Anna Loch was to combine beauty and inspiration together.

Anna Loch is a unique fashion rand which offers a large range of beautiful made handbags combined with art and style together.