由此YOUCI于2018年创立于英国伦敦,品牌设计 师均毕业于英国皇家艺术学院,中央圣⻢丁等全球顶尖艺术院校。她们善于用抽象艺术的表达方式来 诠释饰品,表达着他们看待世界的⻆度,事实上消 费者购买的并不仅限于是个小小饰品,更是一个小 小抽象艺术装置以及设计师诠释的生活态度。作品 在国内外艺术空间进行展览,也获得了时尚杂志明 星达人的⻘睐,在同类竞品中也具有更高的性价 比。

Against this backdrop, the brand YOUCI was founded in London, England, in 2018. All its designers graduate from world’s leading art academies such as Royal College of Art and Central Saint Martins. They are skillful in applying the expression of abstract art in their design of accessory, showing the way they view the world. In fact, what customers purchase is more than just a tiny accessory, but it is a mini unit containing abstract art and the designers’ attitudes towards life. The designers’ works of YOUCI have been shown in the art exhibitions at both home and abroad. The products gain popularity among celebrities and insiders who appear on the fashion magazine and have the advantage of high performance-price ratio among the competitors’ products of the niche.