ALOCHOF 2019年成立,隶属佛山市溪流服饰设计有限公司,针织艺术品牌。ALOCHOF原为A LOCH OF意为未知的海湾,品牌秉持以纤维艺术的创作方式来塑造每一件衣服,以溪流曲缓而不断探寻的态度去感受未来与方向,并同样期待与每一位相遇的朋友共同去汇集一湾,蕴含智慧、惊喜、艺术及无限可能的专属之海。


 ALOCHOF was established in 2019, affiliated to Foshan Xiliu Clothing Design Co., Ltd., a knitting art brand. ALOCHOF was originally A LOCH OF, which means the unknown bay. The brand adheres to the creation of fiber art to shape every piece of clothing, and feels the future and direction with a gentle and constantly exploring attitude, and also looks forward to meeting everyone Of friends together to gather together, an exclusive sea of wisdom, surprise, art and infinite possibilities.