Elywood谐音 “壹黎雾”,由“elysian”与“wood”结合而来,寓意有如遗落在人间的神秘林地。品牌设计团队集结了多位有着先锋理念的优秀设计师,以织物为载体,注入可持续发展的时尚理念呈现出不同于当下主流时尚的服饰形态。品牌将自然美学与解构设计相结合,注重剪裁与细节处理,展现出女性的独立、自信与浪漫。
ELYWOOD is a combination of “elysian” and “wood”, which means that it is like a mysterious woodland. Numbers of outstanding avant-grade designers has been assembled on team ELYWOOD, using textile as a carrier, following directions with sustainable fashion concepts, creating fashion collections different from the current mainstream. ELYWOOD combines natural aesthetics with deconstructed design, focusing on details of cutting, tailoring and sewing, showing girl's independence, confidence and romance.