UNDER defined 是一个专注于永不过时的美学,时尚,实用相结合的成衣设计师品牌。品牌的核心概念正如它的名字所表达:不被世俗标签,也可以解释为“无定义”。
UNDER defined is a ready-to-wear designer brand that focus on timeless aesthetic, modern but also practical fashion. The brand’s key concept is exactly the meaning of its name: Under the usual definition, it also can say as “NO DEFINITION”.
UNDER defined 是一个新生的中国设计师品牌。品牌关注对于衣服与人体之间的连接,致力于研究衣服在不同状态下和不同面料搭配中出现的不一样褶皱与流动的垂坠感,以达到对女性身体特征的凸显和优雅气质的表现。
UNDER defined as a newborn Chinese designer brand, we focus on the connection of the body and the garment. In order to express the elegancy and highlight the female body shape, we dedicate to researching the drapping silhouettes and pleating details appear on the garment in different condition and various combination of fabcis .
UNDER defined 致力于研究衣服与人体之间的关系,以及衣服在不同状态下的表现。流动性的垂坠感凸显女性优雅气质;柔软与硬挺的面料结合;自主研发的创意性印花和面料细节;具有特色且辨识度高的设计特点和版型;可多穿性设计与可拆卸元素结合以提高消费者的自由创意度,这些品牌的特性都将是成为留下忠实消费者的重要因素。
UNDER defined dedicates to researching the connection between human body and the garment. The brand focus on finding how the garment will present when in different condition and various combination of fabrics. The fluid drapping silhouettes; self-developed print and details of fabrics; high recognition design and garment silhouettes; multiple ways of wearing and removeable design elements, those characters of the brand will all impress the customers and make a group of loyal consumers.