

创始人K Li和Mischa Yan毕业于美国旧金山艺术大学硕士学位,出于对艺术设计的热爱以及相同的美学认知与创新理念,二人于2019年在纽约成立了设计品牌工作室(ABOAB Studio)。曾有金融管理与艺术设计背景的Mischa Yan主要负责品牌与市场,擅长创意设计与视觉艺术的K Li则担任工作室的创意总监,带领设计团队专注于品牌的现代艺术创新,并诠释品牌独有的艺术融合之美。


ABOAB is a contemporary jewelry brand based in New York City. The name ABOAB comes from four blood types A, B, O and AB implying brand aesthetic is informed by diversity and fusion, elegance and simplicity. Combining sculptural forms and precious materials with art-related inspiration and artisan craftmanship, ABOAB creates pieces that become unique wearable modern artwork and embody a sense of timelessness.


The founders K Li and Mischa Yan graduated from Academy of Art University in United States. Their love and exploration of art inspired a series of creative work and the establishment of ABOAB Studio in 2019. Their diversified backgrounds in both design and business add a unique and edgy aesthetic perspective to their brand.