⾸饰⾃起源便是被⼈类创造的品类,Mistova 赋予⾸饰以⼈“情感的精神⼒量” 每系列⽴⾜于对⽣命思考的哲学视⻆,展开Mistova 对于世界、万物、宇宙的哲学探讨。系列产品发布以NOVA | 超级新星为所有系列主题,以数字的形式为每个系列名称: NOVA 01、NOVA 02、NOVA 03 以此类推;新系列产品按照国际时装周周期发布,产品系列⽆换季概念。
Mistova 认为每件⾸饰都应有独⼀⽆⼆的情感, 成为佩戴者的⾃我表达与精神⼒量,记载⽣命的重要痕迹。 Mistova 在宇宙的尺度中寻找创作灵感,注⼊艺术审美与雕塑技艺, 通过贵⾦属⽆孔空⼼技术钻研,聚焦于贵⾦属材质; 以超越性别的设计⻛格,展现个⼈且精致的⾼级品味⾸饰。 NOVA系列,从宇宙到陆地、⼤海……; ⽤⾸饰盛纳⽣命的情感哲学,与热爱突破常规,拥有独⽴思想的⼈共鸣。
Mistova believes the essence of jewelry is timelessness and uniqueness, where self-expression, strength and emotions are important building blocks.
Our jewelry is inspired by the universe and incorporating art aesthetics in our sculptural forms.The collections embrace an extensive and unique understanding of metal crafts-manship, engineering and perfecting the process of creating hollow sculptural jewelry.
The collections are not named but numbered to create a continuing connection, where one collection ends the other one begins. Mistova believes that all humans are connected through the same building blocks that make up the universe, earth and the ocean.