Ying2瑛平方时尚珠宝为Van&Lee Art Jewelry高定珠宝旗下轻奢子品牌。主品牌Van&Lee Art Jewelry创立于2013年,定位于贵金属及贵宝石高级定制,曾受邀参加意大利佛罗伦萨双年展及北京芭莎珠宝精品展。子品牌Ying2瑛平方由创始设计师瑛锳的名字命名,依托高级定制技艺,采用镀金材质,创作灵感多源于生活中的小美好以及对生活的向内思考,为现代女性打造富有趣味、造型立体生动的精致饰品。让你无论在通勤、约会、或休闲、度假场合,都可‘无负担’表达个人时尚态度。

Ying2 Jewelry is a subsidiary brand of Van & Lee Art jewelry. The main brand, Van & Lee, was born in 2013, which is located to offer advanced customized product made of precious metal and stones. The brand was invited to participate in Florence Biennale in Italy and Beijing bazaar jewelry boutique exhibition last year.  The name of Fashion jewelry brand Ying2 Jewelry derives from studio founder and designer Yingying Lee. Relying on advanced customization experience & technology,Ying2 aims to produce more affordable fashion jewelry; whose design inspiration mainly comes from little things in life or the thinking about life. Ying2 is about to create interesting, stereoscopic and vivid fine accessories for modern women, in order to let them freely express their own fashion attitude, no matter for working, dating, vacation or leisure use.