Brand Story
Never Settle For Less
OLIVIA YAO JEWELLERY 于 2013 年的英国成立,创办人 Olivia 对欧洲金属和器物工艺的喜爱,奠定了 OLIVIA YAO JEWELLERY 结合古典与现代的金属工艺风格,传递设计师对优雅的独到见解。OLIVIA YAO JEWELLERY 系列作品以珠宝等级的 K 金工艺搭配天然宝石,经由设计师团队亲手加工制作,创作出超过10个系列适合各种日常风格的轻珠宝(Designer Jewellery)。
以 OLIVIA YAO JEWELLERY 的风格为基础,2020 年品牌延伸出了 OLIVIA YAO FINE JEWELLERY 高级订制珠宝品牌,为客人需求量身打造订制珠宝,也提供老件珠宝重制以及珠宝设计和鉴赏等体验活动,致力将珠宝艺术生活用更轻松自在的方式带大家的生活。
「在珠宝的世界,就连 1mm 的差异也是无法退让的坚持。」Never Settle For Less 对 OLIVIA YAO JEWELLERY 而言不仅是品牌哲学,也是对设计和质感生活不退让的坚持。
在成立独立品牌前,Olivia 先后在伦敦的几个珠宝设计师品牌下担任设计工作,受到伦敦快速流转的时尚潮流的洗礼,和前卫艺术的影响,Olivia 将内化深沉而优雅的华人艺术内涵,透过珠宝做了最好的诠释。
「只会画图而不懂金工,很难成为一位好的珠宝设计师。」事必躬亲的 Olivia 是手作派,从绘图到蜡雕,镶嵌和挑钻,每一件作品的细节都习惯亲手把关。而这也跟她扎实地金工背景有关,尽管大学并非设计专业,Olivia 大学求学的同时拜师学习了四年的金工,并取得 GIA美国宝石协会钻石鉴定师的资格;大学毕业后,对于珠宝设计的强烈兴趣让她决定前往英国伯明翰继续攻读珠宝设计硕士。
对于矿石的喜爱从小埋在 Olivia 基因里;透过旅行,Olivia 认识了世界,搜罗各地文化的美,持续地融入她多彩的珠宝创作之中。
Brand Story
Never Settle For Less
OLIVIA YAO JEWELLERY is a celebration of Taiwan's rich island culture, with each creation weaving in elements like the ocean, pearls, and traditional weaving techniques, epitomizing the ethos of "Never settle for less." The brand's unique approach to metal surface treatments creates subtle variations in the reflection of light, bringing to life an understated, introverted style of everyday jewellery that deeply roots in Asian aesthetics. With five successful storefronts in Taipei, OLIVIA YAO JEWELLERY has become synonymous with elegant and distinctive beauty, capturing the hearts of those who appreciate refined craftsmanship and cultural depth. In 2020, the brand further elevated its artistry by launching OLIVIA YAO FINE JEWELLERY. This high-end bespoke line is dedicated to crafting tailored creations that not only meet but exceed the desires of its discerning clientele. Embracing sustainable practices, this line specializes in reviving heirloom pieces and creating custom jewellery, ensuring that each piece is as unique and personal as the stories they carry.