Chemins Blancs was born from the meeting and desire of Monique Kolen and Frédéric Lener to launch a women’s clothing brand.

Chemins Blancs品牌的诞生,源于Monique Kolen和Frédéric Lener的相遇以及两人希望共同创立女装品牌的愿景

It was in 1992, in the offices of the headquarters located in Hazebrouck, that Monique Kolen drew the first sketches of the designs. The very first collection is launched and this was the begin­ning of a great adventure. 

1992年,Monique Kolen在位于Hazebrouck的总部办公室内,绘制除了第一份设计草图,并由此推出了第一个服饰系列,迈出品牌探索的第一步。

While the family business Lener Cordier is an institution in the field of coats, Chemins Blancs is opening up new horizons, offering a com­plete wardrobe and affirming its own identity. Enriched by the mother company’s know-how, Chemins Blancs gradually became a brand ex­pressing it’s universe, far from the giants of the ready-to-wear era.

家族企业Lener Cordier是专业设计和制作外套的公司,而Chemins Blancs则开拓出全新的领域,提供完整的自有产品线。借助于母公司Lener的专业工艺,Chemins Blancs逐渐成长为一个能够彰显自身特色的品牌,另辟蹊径。

It is the combination of timeless and contemporary designs that gi­ves Chemins Blancs its originality. The brand’s inimitable signature, the art of combining trends with a vintage spirit that has stood the test of time. 

永恒与时代相结合的设计赋予Chemins Blancs独创性,该品牌的独特标志便是将潮流与复古相结合,从而经受住时间的考验。

Since its inception, Chemins Blancs has evolved and reinvented itself, always wanting to be as close as possible to your expectations and desires. Thus, for more than 25 years, and despite ups and downs, successes and failures, we are proud to say that we have dressed several generations with the same authenticity.

自品牌成立以来,Chemins Blancs不断自我发展和重塑,始终希望尽可能接近和达成客户的期望。因此在过去的25年中,尽管历经风雨起伏,有成功也有挫折,品牌仍可以自豪地说已经真真切切地服务了几代人。