
作为国内新锐蕾丝主题轻奢原创服装品牌,MissLace由美籍华人设计师Jason Shen(沈欣)于2016年创办;并由全球规模最大蕾丝面料生产供应商——Tianhai Lace(广州天海花边有限公司)独家注资。延续欧洲洛可可时期伊始的时尚传奇,MissLace每一件蕾丝作品,都以精湛的蕾丝工艺与个性化的浪漫设计,体现品牌「Lace is more」的时尚精神,传递自由、优雅及经典的女性魅力。

As an original fashion brand with new lace theme, Miss Lace was founded in 2016 by Jason Shen (Shen Xin), an American Chinese designer, and sponsored exclusively by Tianhai Lace (Guangzhou Tianhai Lace Limited), the largest supplier of lace fabrics in the world.

Continuing the fashion legend of the beginning of the Rococo period in Europe, Miss Lace's every lace work reflects the fashion spirit of the brand "Lace is more" with exquisite lace craft and personalized romantic design, and conveys the feminine charm of freedom, elegance and classic.