Merci Madame

Merci Madame于2017年创立。它是一个时尚而低调奢华、注重精密剪裁与细节的品牌。我们的顾客是25+有独立经济基础或有一定知识底蕴的女性。我们常年致力于纱线与工艺结合的研究;创意于梭织设计与针织设计的工艺糅合;在设计上做减法在品质上做加法理。我们时刻尽力于寻找更好的纱线,为我们的客户打造更高端,更适合亚泽肤色体型的产品。品牌强调以客户为主体并且我们希望客户可以通过我们的产品真正的了解和认识毛针织的工艺,肌理变化因此爱上它。

Merci Madame was founded in 2017. It is a sleek, understated luxury with a focus on precision tailoring and detail. Our customers are 25+ women with independent economic foundation or knowledge. We have been working on the combination of yarn and craft for many years; we have created a combination of woven design and knitting design; we do subtraction in design to add quality to the quality. We always try our best to find better yarns and create higher-end products for our customers, which are more suitable for the body shape of Yaze. The brand emphasizes customer-oriented and we hope that customers can truly understand and understand the craft of wool knitting through our products, and the texture changes so fall in love with it.