Lynn Gong品牌创立于2016年,以还原心灵本真为原点,始终将时尚艺术和创新科技工艺相结合,在传递品牌理念的同时兼具艺术性和实穿性。

“你的本质,既是特质”—— Lynn Gong认为女性形象应该出于自我感受, 而不是取悦他人,并希望通过纯粹、简洁、内在安静且多元化的设计手法,在Lynn Gong品牌中传达这一理念, 重新定义人们对女性穿衣的理解。Lynn Gong拒绝一切对“表我”的他人诠释,始终关注于“本我”的内心表达, 将无标签、无定义、无认同贯穿于整个品牌生命中。Lynn Gong以“本我”的真实形态发声,安静直白,直面内心所在。

Lynn Gong从创始至今,共推出12个季度的服装系列,零售价位为1000-15000元。Lynn Gong始终坚持时尚艺术与科技创新工艺的结合应用,在传递品牌理念的同时,能不断发掘和响应消费者的需求,把兼具科学性和艺术性的服装推向更广大的市场。至今线下合作的品牌集合店覆盖全国过百个城市。


Lynn Gong was founded in 2016 and designed from restoring the true nature of the soul. Lynn Gong combines fashion and art with innovative technology, which conveys the brand concept and remain its artistic and functionality.

Lynn Gong believes that the image of women should be reflected by self-awareness and the expression of inner self, instead of needing to please others. “Your Nature, Your Particularity”-the slogan of Lynn Gong describes the will to redefine people's understanding of womenswear. Through unconventional and contentful design techniques,  Lynn Gong thrives to portray the silhouette of a woman who is frank, quietly powerful and does not need to be defined.

We have launched twelve seasons’ collections so far, with a price range of 1,000 to 15,000 RMB. Lynn Gong always adheres to the idea of applying innovative technology combined with fashion and art. Along with spreading the brand concept, we are able to explore and meet the demands of our consumers, as well as popularize the design possessing both scientific nature and artistry. Up to now, we have cooperated with over a hundred of physical stores in China.