EN DOUCEUR,在法语里意为“轻柔地、慢慢地、愉悦地”,我们希望借此寻找一种悠然自得、回归自我的状态。EN DOUCEUR 针对35-45岁都市知性女人,提供一种优雅自在、朴素精致的都市生活方式和穿衣哲学。我们希望与优秀独立、充满责任感的她们一起找回放松、愉悦、包容的悦纳心态,带给自己和身边的人温暖、柔软的力量。EN DOUCEUR 欣赏法国女性的独立自信和从容,更推崇法式时尚的简洁知性、优雅时髦。我们坚持采用优质的棉麻丝毛等天然材质,并以立体裁剪、结构设计为特色,呈现高级舒适而时髦的服饰产品。

EN DOUCEUR, in French, means “gently, slowly, pleasantly”. By virtue of this, we hope to search for a leisurely and self-recuperating state.EN DOUCEUR , targeting at 35-45 year-old urban intellectual women, offers them an elegant but comfortable, simple but sophisticated urban lifestyle and dressing philosophy. We hope to get the relaxed, pleasant and tolerant attitude of acceptance back together with those who are excellent, independent and full of responsibility, bringing warm and soft power to ourselves and others around us.EN DOUCEUR, appreciates French women's nature of calm, independence, and self-confidence, but also holds the simplicity and intellectuality as well as the elegance and vogue of French fashion in esteem. We insist on the use of natural materials of high-quality, such as cotton, ramie, silk and wool and others. In addition, our apparel products are characterized by stereoscopic cutting and structural design, demonstrating a sense of extreme comfort and fashion.